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───── ❝ Rainy Day in March ❞ ─────

The rain hammered against the windows as Cass and Fred lay in his bed, watching their third movie of the day. Cass was having a particularly bad day so instead of wallowing in self-pity, she had booked her day up. The morning with Fred then later in the afternoon board games with Draco. She calmed down a little from the rain but for Fred, it seemed to have the opposite effect. He was anything but calm, though that could have something to do with the fact that he had just been introduced to the toy story franchise. The questions came in bucket loads and they either had her laughing or thoroughly confused with him. "So you're telling me that he never realised the toys moved? Like is Andy seriously that dumb to not realise that Woody is on the floor, instead of his bed?"

She laughed quietly at his attempt to once again unravel the entire storyline of the movies. "I mean he's a kid, he probably just got distracted."

"I noticed whenever George moved my stuff," he paused, eyes still glued to the screen. "And when we used to move Percy's stuff around to annoy him, he noticed and thought he was being haunted," he laughed and it echoed in her ears. "Andy's stupid."

She laughed, "I don't know whether he's stupid. Maybe just not very observant." The two fell quiet again, just watching the movie as they enjoyed each other's company. The rain seemed to get even harder, it sounded like it would break the glass. Fred began to twirl the rings on her fingers around, doing each one the same number of times before moving on to the next. He often does that, weird.

"That bear doesn't seem right to me," he spoke, breaking the created silence. Cass just remained quiet, knowing that she would spoil the movie if she spoke. "He's just off, you know?"

"I used to have one of those when I was little actually, it's probably still in my bedroom somewhere," she laughed, discreetly trying to change the subject.

"I can't imagine young Cass having a tea party in the garden with her stuffed animals and Lotso being there," he joked, a small smile replacing the concerned line.

She gasped in shock offence and tilted her head to look up at him, "I had the best tea parties in the village I'll have you know." He just smiled and kissed her forehead. "Seriously, it was the place to be. Dad would make me snacks for them, these little cakes with blue icing specifically. Oh and orange jelly, which was my favourite as a kid. And these little biscuits that were shaped like spirals," she smiled, reminiscing all the things from her childhood that had been momentarily forgotten. She let her mind wander for the rest of the movie, just thinking about her Father. That was until Fred broke her train of thought.

"I knew it! I told you!" he laughed, pointing to the screen which showed Lotso's villain reveal. She only chuckled and hugged him a little tighter than before, how could this man be adorable and drop-dead gorgeous at the same time like goddamn. The silence returned and remained all the way through the sadder scenes of the movie, she glanced up only once and (though he denied it) she could have sworn there were tears in his eyes. Ones which went soon after the aliens saved the toys from the incinerator, he seemed to like them a little more after that.

The credits rolled and so did Cass, well out of Fred's arms so she could go and hang out with Draco. They had spent a lot of time together recently, watching the different quidditch teams, talking and/or running wild in the corridors. She had noticed that he wasn't one to open up to a lot of people, Crabbe and Goyle knew nothing about Lucius. She wondered why he chose her but didn't question it too much. "Where are you going?" Fred asked, brow furrowed. "Isn't there another one?"

"There is, you can watch it if you want. I have to go, plans with Draco remember?" she smiled, pulling his jumper back off. She lay it on his chair and put her shoes back on.

"I can't watch it without you," he grinned then pulled her back to the bed by the waist, clamping his arms around her bear hug style.

"I promised," she laughed. "Plus I don't really rate the fourth one anyways." Not sinking into the hug was difficult, his arms were just too comfortable.

"Watch it with me later?" he whispered in her hair, sending shivers shooting down her spine.

She smiled, "Only if you let me go."

"Fine," he grumbled, clearly not keen on the idea. He stopped the hug and Cass got back up, fixing her hair in the mirror. "I'll go find George, see if he wants to prank Snape or something."

"Just don't get caught, Snape's in a foul mood. Someone destroyed the common room last night and their names definitely didn't rhyme with Bass and Maco."

He raised a brow at her comment, "When do I ever get caught?"

She just looked at him, is he serious? "All the time.... You spend half your life in detention at this point."

He just shrugged, "Worth it though."

She sighed, laughing a little at the same time. Cass leant down and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Later Weasley."

"Have fun with Malfoy," he spoke with a hint of sarcasm that she chose to blatantly ignore. She just continued walking out of his room, waving goodbye at the door.

She walked down the castle corridor, past George and Lee who were heading to their common room. Cass grinned at the sight of hers, still an absolute tip with messages about finding the culprit pinned on the notice board. She went directly to Dracos bedroom and knocked on the door. A distant shouting from behind it filled the silence as she waited for someone to answer, what the- The door happened to be opened by Goyle, who let her inside. Everyone in the room just stared as he walked further into the room, well this is uncomfy. "What's going on?" she asked, looking to Draco for answers.

"Nothing important," he glared at Theo. "Let's just go," he sighed and practically pushed her out of the room, slamming the door shut behind them. The shouting resumed. She just chose to leave it alone, knowing it was probably just one of the usual arguments that testosterone-filled boys have. Stupid arguments. They reached her room and Draco flopped down on his bed, well the bed he had claimed for himself. He often slept in her room nowadays so he just said that was his, one of his books even resided on the nightstand. She loved the company but Draco snored. Terribly. So bad that she had considered getting earmuffs more than once.

"How's Weasley then? Still walks on water," he wiggled his brow and Cass threw a pillow at him. It landed directly on his face and he just lay there for a second until they both started to laugh. The board games were honestly one of the most entertaining things she had ever witnessed. To her, it was what she imagined playing games with a younger sibling to be like. Full of losing arguments and cheating schemes that had them both annoyed but so entertained. Eventually, they finished monopoly and just lay on the floor, staring up at the ceiling.

"You know Dani?"

"She's really hot. Like drop-dead gorgeous," Cass replied. "So yeah, I do know." 

Draco gulped, "Do you think she likes guys?" 

"Draco... No, like not at all. Have you not heard the two of us talking in the common room? She's a Lesbian and pretty loud about it." 

"I thought so, Blaise asked me to ask you so..." 

Cass exhaled sharply, struggling not to laugh. "Sure." 

"Cass," Draco whispered, sitting back up.

She sat up too and squinted her eyes, looking at him suspiciously. "Draco?"

He sighed and looked to the floor. "Can you help me please?"

"With what exactly?" she grinned, hoping she knew exactly what he was talking about. It brought her such joy.

"Don't make me say it," he turned pink in the cheeks and shook his head.

"Oh but I want you to." The grin started to hurt her cheeks.

"Can you help me," he spoke through gritted teeth. "Bleach my roots."

She gasped theatrically, "I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!"

By the end of the evening, Draco had bleached hair. Her bathroom had a few new blank spots and Fred had watched toy story four. He agreed, it was a total letdown. 

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now