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───── ❝ Quidditch❞ ─────

It was a surprisingly warm Saturday in May so they all sat outside, trying to get as much Vitamin D as possible after being blanketed in snow for the past two moments. Cass and Hermione were lying in the grass reading whilst the others messed around. It was peaceful and Cass found herself looking forward to summer.

"Cass, Hermione!" someone shouted. The two girls looked at each other then put their books down, sitting up to look at the others. A few more faces had joined them, she recognised Ginny and one of her friends along with Angelina and Alicia from the twins year. "I don't suppose any of you would be interested in a game of quidditch?"

"Definitely not," Hermione replied then laid back down, picking up her book again.

"Down," Cass replied. She stood and brushed the grass of her skirt, a chorus of celebrations followed her approach to the group. "Only problem, I don't have a broom." Because it definitely hadn't been snapped after I got banned from the team out of anger, no definitely not.

"There's one in the changing room, it's pretty good," Angelina replied. They all agreed and began to walk to the quidditch pitch, Hermione following behind after Ron had persuaded her to join in. Fred wrapped an arm over her shoulder as they walked to the quidditch pitch, thankfully no one was using it.

"Seeing as there are ten of us- We should play with two chasers, a beater, seeker and keeper," Angelina said as she handed her the spare broom.

"Do you need us to explain the rules, Cass? Since you haven't played before," Ron asked, a hint of concern showing through his voice.

"No, I think I'll be alright," she smirked, earning suspicious glances from all of them. Ha, I played for three years on one of the best school teams in the country.

"Okay well, let's pick-"

"Team Capitan!" both the twins exclaimed at the same time, most people jumped.

"Anyone got a coin?" Angelina asked and Harry pulled one from his pocket, handing it to her. "Heads or tails?" she asked as she prepped the coin flip.


"Tails!"Fred called out at the same time. Huh, would have thought they would argue over that.

"Heads, George gets to pick first," Angelina smiled. The two stepped away from the group, making space for their team. George looked at Fred, grinned then turned back to the group. "Cass!" he called out, she laughed and walked towards George.

"Oi That's my girlfriend!" Fred shouted, visible annoyance radiating from him.

"Sorry Love, for this game I'm not," she smirked and high-fived George, a chorus of ooo's coming from the others. Fred picked Harry. Then George chose Ginny. Fred picked Lee, earning a scowl from George. George chose Angelina and Fred Ginny's friend (who Cass could not remember the name of). George chose Ronald (who sighed) and Fred added Alicia to his team.

"Right, who wants to play what position?" George asked as they all huddled together.

"Seeker," Ginny piped up, adamant to get that role. And rightly so, she was good.

"Keeper," Ron replied.

"Angelina and Cass, you okay with being chasers?" George asked and the two of them nodded. My old position, nice.

She grinned, "George."

"I know that tone," he grinned.

"I may have been chaser for my old house, we never lost a game. So plan is, I'll fake being terrible on a broom, give them a bit of confidence then eventually smash it to pieces. Plus you know, it'll distract Fred too."

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now