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───── ❝ Day after the Kiss ❞ ─────

Cass sat up in bed once she woke, stretching out her arms. All the memories from yesterday came flooding back and she fell back against the pillows, a huge smile plastered on her face. She woke completely refreshed, something which hadn't happened for a while. She rolled out of bed, fed Nova, then headed for the showers.

After showering and getting dressed, she walked back to her room as she dried her hair with a spell. Cass opened her bedroom door and her jaw dropped at the sight. The coloured squares that were scattered all over the floor were now floating around the room. Each one had been picked up, as if it was on a string, it created a beautiful sight. She chuckled to herself as she shut the door, dropping the towel in her hand onto the floor. She wandered through the gaps in a complete daze, reading every piece of paper that she could along the way. A few minutes passed and she noticed the clear vase on her desk, full of huge amounts of wildflowers and lilies. They were gorgeous and she partially loved the dark blue ones that matched her Mothers necklace. Then she noticed the orange note that had been stuck to her mirror, along with a polaroid of them holding hands in the corridor yesterday. She had no idea who had taken it and why but she was very grateful for it.

'Good Morning Cassandra, okay sorry Cass. How dare you throw all my notes on the floor! I had to clean them all up for you, since they mean so much to you of course. Why didn't you tell me you kept every single one? Probably because I'd make fun of you, which I will don't you worry. ;) Hope you like the flowers, Fred :)'

She laughed to herself as she read the note. Cass hung the photo up on her mirror then continued getting ready, working around the floating notes. Nova seemed to love batting them out of the sky so, sadly, Cass had to eventually put them all back in the box. She didn't want to lose any.

As soon as she walked into the great hall, her eyes met a pair of brown ones that she recognised immediately. Was he waiting for me to walk in? She smiled at him, showing clearly how she felt inside and he winked back, a slight laugh leaving his lips. God that wink, it's going to be the death of me. She walked over to the Slytherin table, despite the disappointed look that Fred gave her. She was smiling to herself by the time she sat down across from Draco, he immediately knew something was up. "Morning," she smiled before taking a sip from her glass that he slid towards her.

Draco's gaze narrowed, looking at her suspiciously, "What was that all about?"

"What?" she looked at him confused. "I just said good morning to you, is that illegal? Are they about to burst through the door and send me straight to Azkaban?" she gasped jokingly.

"No, I mean whatever that was between you and Weasley."

"Oh that's nothing," she replied but her face told a completely different story. Cass couldn't stop smiling at even the motion of his name. Her blush helped him to put two and two together.

"Is he why you were running out of the common room like a madwoman yesterday?" he asked, still staring at her with intrigue. She had found out the hard way that Draco loved to figure things out, no matter how much anyone protests.

"Not at all," she replied, taking a sip out of the glass in front of her. She was desperately trying to think of a way to change the subject, but it did not come.

"Come on Cass, now who's the bad liar?" he laughed.

She raised a brow, "Still you."

"So is he?" he pressed. She sighed.

"Maybe," she smiled. Draco got all the information he needed and sat back in his chair, moving his food around his plate with his fork.

"So are you like dating or something?" he asked after a few silent seconds.

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now