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───── ❝ Dress shopping and disaster ❞ ─────

Cass woke to her blaring alarm, her alarm that had been snoozed around fifteen times making her late. Late like usual. A very hurried and scattered process of her getting ready followed and she ran out of the door, running to the entrance to the courtyard to meet with Hermione. They walked into Hogsmeade, wrapped up in layers but the cold still managed to pinken their cheeks.

"Anyone asked you yet?" Hermione asked as they got into the village, Cass looked around curiously at all the shopfronts. She had only been here a few times before and still hadn't gotten used to everything and now it was decorated for Christmas, a truly magnificent sight.

"Nope, how about you?"

"Ron," she smiled. Cass was just about to gush about the two of them finally getting together, something which was far out of character for her, before Hermione continued and interrupted her. "Just as friends though, he's too frightened to ask anyone else."

Cass sighed, shaking her head at her blindness. "Hermione..."

She ignored her, instead choosing to change the subject to something she was a little more comfortable talking about. "I'm sure you'll get a date soon though, in fact, I'm fairly certain," she grinned, looking at her omnisciently.

Cass furrowed her brow, "Who?"

Hermione laughed and quickened her walk to the door. She swung it open and stepped inside before replying, "Oh look at that, we're here!"

"Yeah you're not getting away with that," she muttered, following her into the dress shop. Hermione laughed momentarily before she stopped to gaze at all the magnificent dresses that were hung up all over the room. Her eyes fell on a particular pink dress and she walked straight for it, pulling the hanger off the rack in one swift movement.

"What do you think of this one?" She asked as she held the dress up against herself, it complemented her features immensely. But before Cass could get a word in, the shopkeeper emerged from a back curtain and strode towards them with a smile on her face.

"Would you like to try that on dear?" She smiled at Hermione as she hung a tape measure back over her own shoulders. Hermione only nodded, looking down at the dress in a complete daze of happiness. "Stand over here for me," the woman instructed as she gestured to a spot on the floor which was surrounded by mirrors. While she was waiting, Cass began sifting through all the dresses but nothing jumped out at her as the perfect thing.

"Cass, what do you think?" Hermione asked, catching her attention. She turned immediately, a discarded blue dress in hand. She looked her up and down once and immediately knew it was the right dress for her, it hugged in all the right places and sat perfectly.

"You look hot." It was true, she did and Ron would definitely think so too (not that this was about him at all).

"Are you sure?"

"Hermione, trust me, you have to get it," she smiled reassuringly and that seemed to click something in her head.

She laughed, flattening the ruffles of her dress. "I'll take it," she smiled at the woman, then remembered her manners. "Please." With a small hand movement, Hermione appeared in her normal clothes and the dress had been boxed, tied in a bow and placed on the desk.

The shopkeeper turned to Cass, "Now, how about you? See anything you like?"

She sighed discreetly, her eyes darting around the shop in hopes that something would stand out to her. It did not. "Nope, I haven't."

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now