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───── ❝Not The Right Guy❞ ─────

She inhaled sharply, shock coursing through her veins. She couldn't speak, nor could she find what to say. Her brain screamed at her to sit something back but as she opened her mouth it talked, she just stammered incoherently.

Harry's expression saddened, a frown pulled at his lips then it curled into anger. This is not going well, like at all. "You don't love me... do you?" he asked, looking hurt but ever so angry.

She cleared her throat in an attempt to get it to work again. "No, I don't," she whispered, feeling ever so awkward and horrible. She hated it.

"You don't? I thought... Never mind." he stopped, slouching down to the bench they had paused at. "Is it Fred? I've seen the way he looks at you," he asked looking back up at her, jaw clenched and venom laced between his words.

She felt another wave of shock and her throat tightened even further, "Fred? I- What? Where did that even come from?" she stuttered, unable to find the words to defend herself. Sure, she could say that he was attractive but she didn't love him. She wouldn't have done that while still with Harry, it wouldn't have been fair and quite frankly, the accusation annoyed her.

"Oh don't be stupid Cass, you can't be serious," Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair. Flare for the dramatic? Nope, should not be thinking that right now. Focus Cass.

She sighed too, fighting a battle in her own mind. "I have no idea what you're talking about Harry, I don't like Fred in that way." And every word was the truth, she didn't like him in that way right now.

"Sure," he replied sarcastically. Cass twisted his ring off her finger.

"Are you seriously mad right now? Because I can't reciprocate a feeling?" she scoffed, placing the circle into her palm and squeezing it so her mind would stay somewhat focused. "You can't be mad about something I do or don't feel, that's not fair," she continued, her voice reaching a level of anger that hadn't seen the light of day in a while.

He sighed, rolling his eyes at her, "Whatever Cass..."

She scoffed, almost laughing at his actions. He was acting so childish and she simply didn't want to deal with it anymore. A one-sided loving relationship is difficult anyway, it would be more pain than it's worth. "If you're going to act this way, I'm done," she scoffed, placing the ring in his open palm. She tugged the necklace off and placed it there too, heading into the castle. Harry called after her but she quickened into a run. She kept running, composing herself along the way. She ran past the twins, past a few other groups of people before she eventually clattered into the common room - struggling to catch her breath.

She fumbled with the door handle, struggling to keep herself from tearing up when Draco walked down the stairs. "Hey," he smiled, weirdly happy for an evening.

She sniffed, managing to choke out, "Hey Draco."

His brow immediately furrowed, "Are you okay?" he asked, placing a hand on her shoulder as she finally got the door open.

"I'm fine," she replied, looking into her room instead of facing him. Nova, precious sleeping Nova, jumped awake at the sound of the door opening and immediately pounced over to Cass, pawing her legs because she knew she needed comfort.

"No you're not," he paused, dropping his voice to a whisper. "Look at me." She sighed and turned around, a frown crossed his face as he took in everything. Her messy hair, teary eyes and smudged eyeliner. "What's wrong?" he pressed, searching her eyes for an answer.

"Just leave me be Draco," she muttered before walking through the door. She was just about to close it when he forced his way inside, a determined yet concerned expression contorting his previous smile. "I said to leave me alone!" she snapped.

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