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───── ❝ The get-back prank❞ ─────

Cass walked down to breakfast with Draco, he talked the entire way about the evening that the Slytherins had. Someone had managed to get their hands on some veritaserum and it made for a rather interesting game of truth or dare. The most interesting piece of information? Pansy Parkinson confused her crush on someone in their year.  By the end of it, Cass felt glad and sad to have missed out on that game, she had far too many secrets.

After breakfast, she headed to first lesson. The corridor leading up to the classroom always stuck the hairs on her arms up. It just had a creepy abandoned vibe and walking it alone was not something she would voluntarily do. Ron had gotten distracted by Hermione though and she wanted to give them their space. First of all, a creepy looking guy (from the year above hers) stared as she walked past. The music playing in one ear helped to drown out the underlay thoughts ever so slightly. Next, she walked past a pink-haired girl and she smiled at her before walking alongside her for a while, she must have noticed how uncomfortable she was. See, this is why, Women. Sadly she disappeared by going into one of the classrooms so Cass was left alone again. But not for too long.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" a very red in the face, breathless Ron asked.

"Well Ronald, you seemed pretty engrossed in your conversation with Hermione," she joked, poking him in the side with her elbow.

"Oh shut up, why does everyone say that! I don't even like her," he laughed. Though the tips of his ears told a different story completely. It looked as if she would burn her finger if she touched them.

"Sure," she replied sarcastically.

He sighed, "It's true!"

Cass just looked at him, saying everything she needed to in her expression. "Stop digging your grave so deep, you'll end up reaching China." He could ignore his feelings for Hermione all he wants, that doesn't make them go away. She could attest to that.

The rest of the day's lessons passed quickly and before she knew it she was sitting next to Fred in the great hall as they ate dinner. "So we're getting them back tonight right?" she whispered, looking at George and Lee as she spoke.

"Yeah, I've got it set up so we just have to get back before they do," he whispered back, a huge grin on his face.

"Should we get going then?" she asked. He replied by shovelling the last forkful of his dinner into his mouth. She laughed and got out from underneath the table. As they walked past, Cass waved to Draco - who looked oddly concerned. She paid it no mind and the two of them quickly walked to his common room. They took the staircase, laughing up each step as if they were drunk. Once they reached his bedroom, the door quickly shut behind them. "How long will it last?" she asked, intently watching as he got to work on the contraption in the middle of the room.

"A few weeks, plus they won't be able to get rid of it unless I undo the spell," he grinned, clearly very proud of his work.

"Well done Mr Weasley," she replied in a weirdly posh voice. Where had that come from? Fred wasn't complaining though, no he burst out laughing.

"Why thank you, Miss Mckinnon," he replied after managing to catch his breath.

"Was the accent really that bad?" she laughed, feeling slightly unsure of herself.

He paused for dramatic effect, "Yeah, yeah it was."

Cass turned slightly pink in the cheeks but managed to hide it behind her hair. "Okay, definitely not doing that again," she laughed.

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now