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───── ❝ Hogsmeade ❞ ─────

Cass walked to the Gryffindor tower, heading to the twin's bedroom. Her hands were still slightly tinged red from last night's spontaneous dye job that stopped her from picking up smoking again. She had bleached then dyed the roots of her hair red, it looks pretty good. She was heading to do George and Lee's hair. It had become a thing that she just did without a second thought. It began at the table at breakfast and had sort of just developed into her going to their bedroom to do it instead. Rain hammered against the window as she snuck downstairs, trying not to wake any of the Slytherin students that were asleep in the common room. Last night was quite a rager. The music seemed to stop at around three in the morning and a lot of them had passed out, surrounded by empty bottles and plates of food.

She made no effort to hide from the Gryffindors, they were used to seeing her around now anyway - the one person that did disagree with it quickly changed their mind. She reached their room and knocked on the door, hoping that they were already awake. Lee answered the door and let her in. He went straight back over to George, reading whatever he was writing over his shoulder and Fred, like usual, was still passed out in his bed at the back of the room. "Wow, Cass! I like the hair," George complimented, having looked up from his notebook.

"Thanks," she smiled then picked up the hairbrush that she left on their side. "What style are we going for today then gentlemen."

"I want the same as what you did for Lee yesterday, those plaited things with the twists," George replied, smiling up at Lee.

"Oooo I want that too," Lee added, watching as Cass brushed George's hair.

"So you're going to be matching huh?" she smiled, beginning the plaits. "Cute," she muttered to herself, fully wanting George to overhear. He did and automatically turned around with a scowl, though the blush it was paired with softened the blow. He sighed then turned back around, continuing to write whatever he was before. Cass didn't pry, even though she was rather intrigued. "Lee your turn," she broke the created silence. George stood up and headed to the mirror, laughing at hush air like usual. Both of them had grown to quite like the hair, which was rather surprising. She worked quickly, doing the exact same thing to his.

After the two hairs had been put up and perfected, George picked up the hairbrush next to her. "You think this'll wake him?" he whispered, waving the brush in the air. Over the days they had multiple different methods that they had tried and tested to try and wake Fred up. It wasn't the easiest thing.

She grinned, "Definitely not. In fact, I bet you it won't."

"A bet? Interesting, okay," George laughed quietly. "I bet you a butterbeer it will."

"Ok deal," she agreed. They shook on it then all turned to face the back of the room. George made a huge deal of throwing the hairbrush at him, it looked as if he was bowling in cricket. The hairbrush smacked against his arm but he didn't wake or even stir.

"How the hell did that not work!" Lee laughed, looking at George in disbelief.

"I win! You owe me a butterbeer," she smirked. George in response stuck his tongue out, then walked out of the room behind Lee. Cass walked over to her boyfriend and attempted to wake him, a little more gently than George had. "Freddie..." she whispered, shaking him by the shoulder.

"I'm tired, go away," he muttered into his pillow before rolling over.

"Fred come on," she laughed quietly, taking a hold of his blanket. She attempted to pull it away from him, hoping the cold air would wake him up. As she pulled the blanket, Fred lifted his arm to try and push her away but instead, his arm collided with her face. "Jesus," she exclaimed before covering her face with her jumper sleeve, a reflex. At the realisation of what he did, Fred sat bolt right up in bed and looked at her apologetically.

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