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───── ❝ A Birthday To Remember ❞ ─────

Cass woke from another hazy dream about the door by the sunbeams creeping across her face. When she got out of bed and stretched her arm, somehow she managed to knock the photo frames that littered her nightstand onto the floor. Luckily no glass was broken and she managed to put them all back pretty quickly. Though she did notice something that hadn't been there before, a tiny purple piece of paper. She took it out and unfolded it, immediately recognizing the handwriting. It sent a flutter through her stomach, a flutter that shouldn't be there. I can't like him, I'm with Harry. It's not right.

'Thanks for saving us tonight Cass, we would have been dead without your help and death by a greasy-haired potions teacher is not something I want to be known for. Fred :).'

Cass, with a slight laugh, put the frame back. That night had to have been months ago by now. She could not remember the date for the life of her, so she half walked half slouched over to her calendar and her jaw dropped at the actual date. May? How has it gotten to May already? Cass stood there for a few moments, just trying to figure out how she hadn't noticed the passing days. Harry and her had been together for three months, or around that and she had finally managed to tell the twins apart without a single fault. All the lessons had added up and time passed so quickly that she had no idea it had even moved. She looked again, just to check that she hadn't gotten the date wrong when she noticed a square with some writing on it. Her Dad's handwriting. 'Cass's Birthday!' with a little balloon and a cake. My Birthday? Today? She had almost forgotten. Cass then realised that she was still holding that little purple slip of paper and for some unforeseen reason, she couldn't bring herself to throw it away. So instead she got out an old jewellery box, which had belonged to her Mother. It had red painted flowers and leaves all over the dark oak wood. She placed the note inside and then put the box back in the bottom of her trunk. Cass got ready for the day with a smile on her face.

She sat alone at breakfast, waiting for Draco to come down. He was taking an entirety. "Where have you been then?" she asked as soon as he stepped into the bench, not looking up from the piece of toast - that had a few small bites taken out of it - on her plate.

"Grabbing something important," he smiled, reaching into the side pocket of his robe. He pulled out a small dark green velvet box. "Happy Birthday Cass."

"You remembered?" she laughed, picking the box up after he slid it across the table.

"Of course I did," he replied, a soft smile crossing his face at the look of pure joy on hers. She had only mentioned her birthday to him once, a single time and he had remembered. She gently open the box and smiled at what was inside, a pair of silver snake earrings that matched his ring.

"I love them," she smiled, looking up at him with thankful eyes.

"Good," he let out a sigh of relief. "I wasn't sure what to get you."

"These are perfect, thank you," she smiled. That conversation stopped once Crabbe and Goyle arrived. But Draco picked it back up as they walked to potions.

"Has Harry, " he wiggled his eyebrows. "Said anything about your birthday yet?"

She rolled her eyes and shoved his arm. "Nope, he hasn't. Nor has anyone else because I didn't tell them."

"You didn't tell anyone else?" he echoed, his eyes widening ever so slightly.

"Nope. Kinda forgot myself until this morning," she laughed as they walked into the classroom. Snape's glare already met her eyes and she glared straight back, not caring that her laughter made a 'disturbance' in his cold classroom.

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now