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───── ❝The Last Day ❞ ─────

Context: June

Cass was in a stage of pure panic. It was the weeks of exams and she had been cramming information so often that she mostly slept at her desk. Luckily, the concealer was very good at covering up the weariness and rather often the odd ink mark from a busted quill. "How do I work this out again?" she asked Hermione as they studied in the library, moments before their Arithmancy exam.

"You should know this by now! Our exams are in an hour!" she whispered back. Cass thought she seemed awfully flustered so she chose not to argue that point even though she had a very valid point. Hermione looked at the question then spoke quickly, explaining every detail. It was hard to keep up but she seemed to get the basic idea, eventually. They continued to study in silence, the odd sigh of confusion and scribble of a quill coming from Cass. It was around five minutes until they had to go and they were both frantically skimming notes.

"How's it going?" Harry whispered over her shoulder. He just came straight from his last exam.

"Okay I guess," she replied, her eyes never leaving the page. "How was yours?"

"Confusing, I think I did okay though," he whispered back, taking a seat next to her. He watched for just a minute before a beeping echoed from Hermione's watch. It was time for them to go. She sighed and packed her books away.

"Good luck," Harry whispered as they walked out of the hall.

"Lord knows I'll need it," she laughed, quickening her footsteps to keep up with Hermione.

He stopped, knowing he wouldn't be able to keep up with them both with Cass's bag on his shoulder. He called after her and she turned, still keeping her pace only backwards. "We're all meeting at the lake after your exam, the twins got something from the kitchens, see you there?"

"Sounds good!" she replied before turning back around.

Cass walked into that exam hall with a mind swimming with facts, a quill and a spare one just in case.

She walked out with a throbbing headache, a messy bun, two broken quills and inky hands. She thought it had gone quite well all in all.

She and Hermione walked down to the lake, getting hotter as they went on due to the shining sun that glistened the waters of the lake. "How'd it go?" Harry asked as Cass took a seat next to him.

"Alright, I think anyway," she replied, taking off her robe. She spread it underneath her, like a blanket and lay back to feel the sun soak into her skin. A few minutes later, the twins appeared with glasses and a bottle of something that definitely was not pumpkin juice. They all celebrated the end of the year in separate ways: Hermione and Ron were in a deep conversation, Fred and Cass were dangling their feet in the lake and George and Harry were off talking about something, it seemed to be a funny conversation though. "Did you have a good year?" she asked Fred, kicking water at his legs. She felt different around him recently. Almost more relaxed yet every time he looked at her, she felt a flutter in her stomach. I can't like him, I'm with Harry, It's not right.

"I did," he laughed, splashing her with even more water that reached the very end of her skirt.

"Hey!" she laughed, wiping her skirt down. She looked up, meeting his gaze and her laughter trailed off. She stared into his gorg- stop it, Cass! Harry's your boyfriend, you're with Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry.

"You started it," he shrugged, looking back out onto the lake.

She saw an opportunity. "I didn't do that much," she replied, retaliating with scoops of water that went all over him.

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