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───── ❝ Game night ❞ ─────

A few weeks had passed since Christmas and sadly the festivities had faded away almost completely. Harry and Cass however were far from normal. She had lost track of the number of times that either of them had let out the smallest hint towards them dating. The most memorable one for them both was one night where they had snuck out of bed for a walk around school grounds. They still had the marauders map, since Cass had 'forgotten' to give it back to the twins and the invisibility cloak was pulled over their heads just in case they did run into anyone, which was doubtful given the hour. But they were halfway down a corridor, whispering and chuckling to each other when Hermione suddenly turned the corner, heading straight towards them. She had her nose in a book so it was enough time for Harry to throw the cloak over both their heads before she noticed them there. Hermione walked along with a book balanced in one hand and a candle in the other, with every step she took the book wobbled and wobbled until it eventually clattered to the floor with a thud. It dropped right in front of the two hidden under the cloak and they both stopped breathing as she looked in their direction, like she could see the cloak. She looked up then down again, picking her book up off the floor. "Harry, I can see your foot," she whispered, letting out a quiet laugh. They had both failed to notice that his foot stuck out the bottom, luckily she was completely covered.

He cleared his throat nervously, looking at Cass with so much panic in his eyes. "Thanks, Hermione," he whispered as he tucked his food back in. Both their hearts were beating so quickly in panic that they could hear it in their ears.

"Where are you going anyway?" she asked quietly, resting the book on her hip.

"I'm just..." he turned, looking at Cass for answers. She mouthed Hagrids with a small shrug, not really knowing what else to suggest. "Going to see Hagrid about something."

"Oh," she whispered, seemingly unconvinced. "Well say hello for me," she smiled then walked away, probably heading for bed.

Once she was at least two corridors away, they began walking again (still hidden underneath the cloak. "I can't believe she believed you," Cass laughed. "You're a terrible liar."

Harry laughed, taking the cloak off both their heads. He folded it over his arm then took her hand once more, "We better go before anyone else comes."


They were all walking out of the hall after breakfast when Fred brought her away from the main group, "So when are we going to get our map back Cass?" he asked, eyes hinting towards something hidden that she couldn't uncover.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that," she replied, lying through her teeth. "I can bring it by later if that's okay?"

He nodded, "We just desperately need it, that's all."

She raised an eyebrow, "Whatever for?" she joked, putting on a sort of accent that just seemed to come out around him.

"That's a secret Cass," he winked before walking off in the other direction, so quickly that she wouldn't have been able to catch up even if she wanted to. With a light chuckle, she caught up with Harry as they headed to transfiguration.

"What did Fred want?" Harry asked, trying desperately to hide the jealousy in his voice.

"Oh he just wanted the map back," she shrugged, not seeing anything other than what was directly in front of her. Harry stopped in his tracks, gently taking her arm to get her to stop too. "What?" she laughed confusedly.

"You can't give it back," he whispered, checking around with his eyes. She stared at him, confusion showing clear through her eyes. "They'll see when we're together."

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now