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───── ❝ End of the year❞ ─────

Cass's final examination was in Divination and like all the lessons before it, she could not see a single thing in that orb. So, like many other students, she made up some relatively believable natter that seemed to please Trawlawnely. She walked out of that room, feeling automatically relaxed. School for the year was over. Exams were over. Thank god for that. She celebrated with Lee in the Gryffindor common room. She slept over in their room that night, keeping a promise to George (he had asked her to look out for Lee). Honestly, she loved it. Her relationship with Lee only grew and she got to sleep in Fred's old bed, which still smelled faintly like him. She hated it. One of the people that she associated with comfort and happiness was gone, leaving terrible longing in its path.

To combat the missing him, Lee and Cass had taken on the job of pranking the teachers. The detentions had begun to stack up but it was completely with it. By the time they went down for their final dinner of the school year, the majority of the school had flaming red hair. A tribute to the twins. They made sure to get lots of pictures that were packaged and sent off.

By the time she got back from the owlery, the Slytherin party was in full swing. She got stuck right in. She danced with Draco most of the night but swapped in dances with Theo and some other girls. Eventually, the room started to sway and her eyes darted around, not able to focus on anything in particular. She stumbled out of the hot, stuffy room and into the corridor outside the room, seeking the fresh air that took away some of the numbness.

"You okay there?" she asked, looking over to a girl who was sitting on the bench with her head between her knees. Cass recognised who it was immediately. Pansy.

"Mhmh," she hummed, still not moving her head. "Too much I think," she laughed then looked up. Her face drained of all colour. "Oh, didn't realise it was you."

Cass raised a brow, "That a problem?"

Pansy smiled softly, "Not at all." Cass smiled back and sat down next to her, her feet aching in her heels. They made a general conversation, things about the party or about how their year went before it fell quiet. Cass looked to her shoes for a moment, trying to stop the spinning that had returned. Once it slowed she looked back up and Pansy pressed her lips against hers, pulling away almost as soon as it happened. "Shit, I'm so sorry," she blurted, her cheeks turning bright red.

Cass just sat there, in complete shock. "I-"

"Please don't tell anyone, I'm really really sorry." She slowly started to edge away and Cass couldn't be angry.

"It's okay," she spoke softly. "I won't tell anyone."

"Thank you," Pansy muttered then walked off, disappearing into the darkness. Cass just sat there for at least five minutes, running over the previous events like it was the bible. Do I tell Fred? No surely not, drunken mishap. Should I? I promised not to. But then he might- but surely he wouldn't cause I don't feel that way for her. Eventually, she walked back into the party and downed the nearest thing she could get her hands on, a few shots.

Later, Draco found her dancing in the middle of the room amongst everyone else. "Cass, come on it's time for bed," he spoke over the music, taking her arm to guide her away from everyone. "You need to sleep this off."
"You're being..ridicu-lush... 'm not that drunk," she spoke, pulling her arm back away from him.

"Have you seen you?" he laughed.

"Shut up Bleachy," she scowled. " 'm, comp-tly sober."

He looked her up and down, chuckling to himself, "And my name's Jesus Christ."

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