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───── ❝ Fred Leaves❞ ─────

The following morning Cass woke to snoring in her room, it didn't take long for her to notice Draco sprawled out on his bed. How did he even get in here? What time? Nevermind- She snuck around the room, grabbing various items before she went to shower. Cass only took fifteen minutes in the shower, she was running late anyway and now had to add waking Draco into her routine.

He still slept once she returned, though he had somehow thrown the pillow onto the floor. Cass almost laughed as she woke him up, his hair had sorta matted on his forehead and those lines that signified a really good nap were all over his face. He groaned as she brought him into consciousness, "Well good morning sunshine."

"Sorry," he grumbled. "Wrong room."

She laughed, "Clearly. Something going on?"

He sat up and pulled his shirt back on, "Nope." Liar. She hummed, unconvinced and continued getting ready. If he didn't want to talk, he didn't want to talk. Though she had a sneaking suspicion this sudden change in personality was about having to return home in a few weeks.

They entered the hall, chatting about something stupid. "Mind if we sit away from the others today?" he asked once they got close enough to the table.

"Sure," she smiled, even though confusion flooded her brain. They chose to sit at the end of the table, closest to the door and far away from anyone else. "They do something wrong?" she asked, taking a sip of coffee.

"Nope, just don't really want to talk to anyone annoying," he replied, moving the food on his plate around with his fork.

"I'm not annoying?" she laughed. "High praise."


In study hall, George pestered Cass with questions about what their surprise was all about. "Please please please please just tell us," George whispered, trying not to disturb everyone around him.

"You're making it sound better than it's actually going to be you know," she whispered back, keeping her eyes on the potions revision out in front of her.

"I'm sure it's going to be perfect," Fred whispered, wrapping his arm around her waist.

Minutes passed and the clock struck the hour. Cass slipped out of Fred's grip and stood from the bench. "I'll be back, cover for me," she smiled and kissed him quickly on the cheek.

"Is this something to do with our surprise?" George asked, his eyes full of curiosity,

"Never you mind, George," she smirked, then walked out of the hall, leaving their heads swimming with questions. She went down the stairs and towards the kitchen, making sure no one was following.

"Miss McKinnon! How can Dobby help you?" the elf asked as she shut the door behind her. Cass turned and immediately smiled at him, the multiple hats and socks he wore just added to the entire effect.

"Afternoon Dobby, how are you?"

"Very well thank you," he smiled and sat down on one of the stools in the room.

She leant on the counter next to him. "I don't suppose I could ask you for a favour?"

"Of course Miss Mckinnon," he smiled, looking extremely happy to help.

"Cass really is fine," she smiled. "Could I bring some friends down here tonight to bake cupcakes?"

"Oh I would be happy to help!" he exclaimed, a grin forming on his face.

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now