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───── ❝ A special announcement ❞ ─────

Cass woke up with a start from a terrible dream that she could not remember. Disorientation faded and she realised that she was not in her usual green bed but a red one, a red comforter in Gryffindor tower. If it wasn't for the redhead approaching her she would have been in a rather sticky situation, a pounding headache and no idea whose bedroom this was.

"Morning," Fred smiled, handing her a green bottle from the windowsill. She took it and peered inside, looking for any signs of what it could be. The squinting worsened the pounding in her head. "It'll help with the headache."

"Oh," she replied, pulling the cork off and downing the entire contents. She gulped and visible relief flooded through her aching head and muscles. "Thanks," she smiled, feeling a ten tonne better already.

"You should probably get back before everyone wakes up, George is waiting downstairs with the map to take you," he smiled before walking to the other side of the room where he began to tie his tie.

"Okay, thanks Fred," she replied as she slipped her shoes back on, the laces had already been pulled out for ease. She smiled at that, knowing that he had something to do with it.

"You're welcome, just try not to get caught," he laughed, watching her walk out of the room. She turned just at the door, smiled at him then gently closed it behind her. She hurried down the stairs, lightening her footsteps when she passed every closed door. George stood upon her arrival and walked quickly to the secret entrance/exit, it seemed that they were short on time before everyone else would flood the halls. They walked quickly, whispering to each other as they followed the map even though George knew it by heart at this point.

"Cass?" He asked, stopping outside the door to her common room.

"Yeah George?"

"You're not fully straight, right?" He blurted, eyes widening once the words registered in his head.

She laughed, "Do I seem fully straight to you?"

"Oh thank god," he sighed out of relief. He began to rub the back of his neck nervously and Cass immediately caught on but she didn't say anything, this was something he needed to say for himself. "How, I mean, how did you like know?"

"I had a crush on a girl from my old school," she replied softly, just in case anyone was around to hear.

"So if I, hypothetically, had a crush on a guy would that mean-" he trailed off, looking to her for answers.

"George, if you like guys in that way then it could and if there are more factors to consider like... well you know then you could be but that's something you have to figure out yourself. Sorry I can't be of more help."

"No no, this has helped. A lot actually. Thanks, Cass," he smiled, nodding as he turned to walk away. She watched him for a minute, a soft smile on her face before she shook herself out of it. As she walked into the almost silent Slytherin commons, Cass came face to face with one Draco Malfoy. From the bags under his eyes, she gathered that he hadn't slept and worry furrowed her brow for a split second before she realised herself.

"Out all night? Up to no good I presume," he whispered, closing the book on his lap.

"Nothing like you're thinking Draco," she sighed as she walked past the chair he was sitting on. She stopped at the bottom step, turning around to look at him as she twisted a ring around her fingers. "Don't tell anyone?"

He turned too, looking at her instead of the book for once. "Whatever you say Cass" he smirked. Cass sighed once more then headed up the stairs, soft chuckles echoing up the staircase. She turned the doorknob to her bedroom slowly, not wanting the sudden noise to wake anyone. Astrid, who had clearly fallen asleep studying, lay awkwardly on her bed surrounded by parchment and books. This often occurred and didn't come as a surprise to her so she just continued getting ready, as if she had spent the night in her own bed.

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