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───── ❝ It's a promise. ❞ ─────

The last few weeks at the burrow, to her, had been absolutely perfect. Most of it was spent either lounging around the house or outside, at Fred and George's shop (which they had recently opened) or at her house where everyone would do things that Molly and Arthur weren't supposed to know about. Let's just say that those evenings were the best and it took a potion to be able to remember them.

They also took a trip to the beach. They made sandcastles, one that was supposed to be a replica of Hogwarts (which ended up looking like a square with holes in it) to them it was perfect. Fred then decided that he was going to learn to surf on a board that he definitely did not steal from the shop. Like Cass didn't distract the woman behind the counter so he could grab one, no not at all. She taught him the basics and then Fred decided that he needed no more lessons. On many occasions, he attempted to stand but fell directly over and straight into the water. He would come back from under the surface then shake his hair - resembling a dog- before getting back on the board again. He did manage to stand up eventually, which earned a whole ruckus of applause and cheers from everyone else. Fred then handed her the board and told her to show him how it was done. She laughed and took the board. Cass rode the first wave almost perfectly, sticking her tongue out at Fred the entire way. They ended the beach day with ice creams whilst watching the sunset.


She woke early on the last day before they had to head back to school. Instead of lounging in bed, she decided to go and help Molly with breakfast again. This had become a thing that she did often, Molly seemed to like the company in the kitchen. "Morning," she smiled as she walked into the kitchen.

"Morning Cass," she replied and handed her a cup of coffee. Cass took a gulp then started to help with the cooking, sipping her drink as she cooked. "I'll go wake them up," she laughed after they had finished cooking everything. She washed her hands and grabbed a glass of water before heading to Ron and Harry's room. She opened the door then flicked water on their faces, causing them both to stir.

"Oh go away," Ron grumbled, pulling his pillow over his face.

"If you're both not up in ten minutes then I'm bringing the bucket like last time, that means you Ronikens," she laughed then extended the room. The sound of a pillow thumping on the back of the door echoed in the hall. Ginny and Hermione were both already awake so she went to the twin's room. Most of the time the two of them stayed at the flat, Fred stayed at the burrow some of the time and George pretty much never. Today the two of them were there. She took the water and tried the flicking approach again. It did not work. So, she grabbed a cup from the side and used Fred's wand to fill them both up with water. She dumped one on each of their heads, they sat bolt upright and started gasping - looking as if they were drowning. "No need to be so dramatic, it's just a little water," she laughed as both of them scowled at her.

"Must you do that?" Fred whined, wiping the water off his face with the corner of his duvet. She only nodded, a small grin pulled on her face. "I was nice to you and let you sleep in and this is how you treat me?" he said as he wrapped himself back up in a cocoon of blankets. He sighed contently.

"Fine whatever, I'll just eat the waffles I made for you," she sighed and headed out of the room.

"Don't you dare!" he called and darted out of the room, walking a little quicker than she was. He quickly grabbed the plate and pulled them away from her reach, she laughed to herself.

"Is Ron still asleep?" she asked Harry, having looked around the kitchen and not seen him.

"No?" he replied. Liar. Ginny started to laugh.

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now