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───── ❝ Rain ❞ ─────

Cass sat at breakfast in a deep discussion with Draco when two arms wrapped around her shoulders. She reached for the knife on the table to attack but relaxed and dropped it once he whispered into her ear, "Morning Love."

She turned to look at him and spoke calmly, "I could have stabbed you with a butterknife then." He raised an eyebrow but shook it off, instead kissing her on the lips before going to sit at his house's table. As soon as he left Draco and the others started making dry heaving noises, "Shut up or I will throw this at you," she joked, spinning the knife between her fingers.

"Since when have you and Weasley been so lovey-dovey," Draco teased, wiggling his eyebrows. See this is why I hate PDA.

She raised her mug of coffee to her lips, "You're just mad because you don't have a girlfriend."

"What about that girl you were talking to?" Goyle wondered aloud.

"Who? The one Cass cursed out and almost battered for being a 'Capital A asshole'," he laughed.

"Oh yeah! I remember her... Ew," she grimaced, reliving the events. "She's a little too distracted with Blaise anyway," she added, pointing down the table to where the two of them were.

"A match made in hell," Draco replied. "Blaise keeps complaining about her all the time and yet now he seems completely fine." They all laughed at that.


Lessons that day (especially divination with Harry and Ron) just dragged. Cass was weirdly happy when lunch came around. She went back to the common room with Draco as it had become a sort of tradition that on Tuesdays, their Slytherin group ate in the common room. Some of them were kinda annoying but she ignored it for the most part. No one else was allowed to join, it was like a private party. She was the only girl. She and Draco would get the food from the kitchen and bring it back to the room where the clothes were. They spread the food onto a table and everyone dug in, some sitting on chairs and some sitting on the floor. Cass chose to sit on the floor despite Draco's protests, it was comfy.

"Cass? Do you have any of those nose bleed things?" One of the boys asked as they ate.

She thought for a moment and took a bite from a strawberry, "I might, why?"

"Can't be bothered with Transfiguration."

"I'll go get one," she replied before heading up to her bedroom. It took a few minutes for her to sift through all the boxes of products that Fred had hidden in her room - she had so much extra space that it seemed stupid not to use it as storage. She picked up a box of them and bought it downstairs, along with one of Draco's hoodies which she pulled on whilst walking down the stairs.

"Four sickles," she said as she handed the box to him.

"How come I have to pay! You and Draco use them all the time," he protested.

She sighed and raised a brow, "I did give you a discount, I can ask for the full price if you want."

He sighed and handed over the money, looking rather annoyed. "Thank you," she deadpanned and put the coins into her pocket.

"Do you think you could get them to stop putting random stuff in our room," Goyle asked and the rest laughed.

She raised her brow in intrigue, "Why? What did they put in there?"

"Something that made Crabbe turn blue when he ate it," Draco laughed. How come he's only telling me now, jeez Draco come on. Step it up.

"See this is why you need to stop eating things that aren't yours," she paused. "Especially my chocolates."

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now