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───── ❝ The wedding ❞ ─────

Four years later. 

Every single thing was planned precisely - directly down to the glitter used to line the invitations and the buttercream on the cake. They hadn't argued about a single detail. All the plans just flooded onto paper and they both had the same sort of ideas. On her wedding day, she woke up her stomach was met with a flurry of butterflies. Worrying about the wedding, the excitement, nerves and post hen night nausea were not a good combination. Cass was even more thankful for that little green bottle of heaven than ever before.

She sat up in bed and ran her hands through her hair. She just watched everything being set up from the window. It bought her mind a moment of peace. That peace stopped when she spotted George and Lee walking into the house hand in hand. Before she knew it they were both in her bedroom, laughing as they wrapped her in a crushing hug. "How you feeling?" George asked as they pulled away.

"Good," she smiled, that being the briefest explanation of her feelings. Honestly, she didn't know what she felt but happiness overpowered it all. "How's Fred?"

"Been up since five this morning, despite the hangover," Lee replied and they both laughed. "Now come on, you've got a deadline here. For once in your life, you're not going to be late."

Cass, with a roll of her eyes, took off the covers and headed to the bathroom. She took a little longer in the shower than usual. She just wanted to keep a few moments of peace in what was bound to be a very stressful day. Lee had other plans and as soon as she stepped out of the bathroom, he hurried her back to the bedroom and started to help with her makeup. Cass did most of it but got their opinion on every single opponent before applying it. Just as Lee was trying out a pined up hairstyle, two voices shred from downstairs. "Cass!" A click of four heels followed. "Hey! You started without us," a flustered looking Hermione scowled.

"Jeez Cass, couldn't wait ten minutes for you're two favourite bridesmaids," Ginny laughed.

"You both look hot," she laughed and wrapped the both of them in a hug. After the hug, both Ginny and Hermione posed which made her laugh even more.

"You know Cass..." A voice said over her shoulder. "You should wear your hair down, it looks better." She looked up and grinned.

"What would you know about hair, bleachy," she laughed and he chuckled. Cass wasted no time and ran into his arms, jumping into a hug that had them both nearly falling on the floor. She hadn't seen Draco in four months, which was far too long. "I thought you couldn't make it!" she exclaimed, hugging him even tighter.

"I made other arrangements, couldn't miss you getting married now could I?" he laughed and gently set her down. "Go,go get ready and try not to be late? Oh and wear you're hair down, trust me," he smiled, kissed the top of her head then went off downstairs - looking for Fred.

"I'm thinking curls?" Hermione smiled, taking out her wand. Cass sat down in her chair and the five of them spent the next twenty minutes talking whilst doing her hair (which had fresh red roots for the occasion). She ended up with a hairstyle that was still weddingy but had a sparkle of her mixed in between. She thought it was perfect and even let Ginny and small pins with black beads on them.

After a few glasses of something fizzy, George and Lee both stood. "We'll go get Fred and get him ready," he smiled and took Lee's arm.

"Just make sure he doesn't ruin the suit? This is the second one," she laughed. Apparently, he had put the first one too close to one of the discontinued products in the shop, it had exploded and ruined it beyond magic fixing. The two of them nodded then disapparated, leaving just Cass Hermione and Ginny.

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