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───── ❝ First Dates and Departures ❞ ─────

Lessons for the day had been cancelled for everyone due to the looming Christmas break. This close to the holiday, the usual rules about houses sitting separately went down the drain. Everyone just sat with their friends that they wished to spend time with before the break. So Cass sat with the Gryffindors, like usual. "So are you and Harry going to come and say goodbye to us at the train?" Hermione asked, everyone looked at the two of them expectantly.

"Yeah, sounds good to me," Harry replied as Cass nodded. Fred and George had been silent the entire time and she was beginning to pick up on it. They were quiet, far too quiet.

She leaned over the table slightly as she whispered, "What are you guys planning now?"

"Why? Do you want in?" Fred smirked.

"Obviously," she whispered back. The two of them turned to each other then looked back at her with a smile on their faces.

"Meet us in the Astronomy tower after breakfast," George whispered back. She nodded and settled back into her seat. She and Harry planned to meet an hour after breakfast so she hoped it wouldn't take too long.


Sure enough, when she arrived at the tower the two of them were waiting for her. She smiled and walked towards them, "So what's the plan then?"

"Snowballs," they replied.


"Snowballs," they confirmed before heading back the way that she had just come. Cass, against her better judgement, found herself running after them.

"And what do you mean by snowballs?" she asked after she had finally caught up with them. Fred slowed his pace so she didn't have to walk so quickly.

"At lunch," George began. "Just before everyone has to leave to catch the train. Snowballs bewitched to last forever will be thrown at all the Slytherins," he explained.

She laughed quietly, looking up at him. "Good plan."

"We know," they replied at the same exact time, both laughing shortly afterwards.

"So what do we need to do?" She asked curiously.

"Simple, bewitch a tone of them and put a vanishing spell on them. Then hide them in our robes." George explained as Fred held a door open for the three of them.

"Then at the table, we hand them to all the Gryffindors and tell them when to throw," Fred continued as they all sat down in a hidden spot of the castle.

"Could we not just use an extension charm on something then put them in instead of making them invisible?" She asked as they began to compact the snow. Her fingertips were already red from the ice, the twins had gloves.

"That's a pretty good idea actually," Fred replied, glancing at George who agreed with a nod. They did just that. They made a ton of snowballs (Fred gave Cass his gloves once her hands began to turn blue) until they decided there were enough. Fred's wool hat was chosen for the extension charm. The twins eventually headed to go and pack and Cass went to go and find Harry for their date. She was awfully nervous.

They had planned to eat in the courtyard and when she arrived, he was standing there smiling. "Hey," she smiled back at him.

"Hey Cass," he replied, walking towards her. "Ready?" She nodded and the date began. They walked into Hogsmeade and ordered drinks in the three broomsticks while they talked. They discussed all things about themselves: favourite books, hobbies and any other random things that made their way into the conversation. "So what's your Dad like?" He asked as he took a sip from his glass.

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