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───── ❝ Pancakes❞ ─────

Fred had been up since 9 am. An odd time for him to be up but he just couldn't get back to sleep. So, after checking that Cass was still asleep (which she was) he headed downstairs and planned to make her favourite brunch food.

Just as she was about to slip back into consciousness, she felt pressure around her waist. She didn't think much of it until her mind woke up completely and realised that someone was in the bed next to her. She opened her eyes, blinking quickly at the sudden light change. "You know it's rude to stare," she muttered, rubbing her eyes.

"Can't help it," Fred winked.

"Cheesy," she laughed and slowly sat up in bed, undoing the loose bun that she put her hair in the night before. "What time is it?"

"Eleven, I let you sleep in," he shrugged and her eyes went wide. "You were out cold and looked so peaceful, I didn't want to ruin it, '' he smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into a hug.

"So I'm not an ugly sleeper? Good to know," she muttered sleepily. "What are we doing today?"

"First of all, you're going to eat this delicious breakfast," he smiled and handed her a plate full of pancakes which were covered in strawberries and chocolate chips.

She jokingly eyed the plate suspiciously, "You didn't make them, did you?"

"I did actually," he replied as she balanced the plate on her legs. He handed her a fork and she took a bite, making sure to get a little of everything. A grin formed on her face. "Good?" he laughed.

"Oh you have no idea." She started to get another bite ready whilst chewing the one previous.

"Can I have some then?" he asked, trying to grab a strawberry from the top.

She swatted his hand away and laughed, "No way! They're mine."

"Oh come on just a little, it's making me hungry," he sighed and looked at her with overly exaggerated puppy dog eyes. This guy-

She quirked a brow, "Really think that's gonna work?" He sighed in defeat then got another idea. He kissed her on the forehead, over and over and over until she started to laugh.

"How about now?" he whispered.


He did the same again, this time spreading them all over her face, down her neck and across her shoulders. Then he pulled away and smiled smugly, knowing that he had gotten his way. "How about now?" he grinned. Jesus Christ.... And I never share food.

"Doofus," she sighed, Fred however only smiled more. "You can have a little, keyword little," she continued, handing him the fork. He took a massive chunk and shoved it into his mouth, so quick that she couldn't get an argument against it in. "I said a little! Not the entire thing!"

"You're right, these are good," he replied as Cass snatched the fork back. "I'm such a good cook." Cass only laughed then took another bite.

Once she had finished the plate, he took it down to the kitchen whilst she got ready. Cass changed into something cool as it was quite a warm day then walked straight out to the garden where the others were. She headed in the direction of all the ruckus, everyone was playing quidditch using a hoop that looked as if it would fall over at any given moment. Cass quickly noticed Hermione laying down in the grass, a book covering her eyes. She went over to her and the two spent most of the morning catching up. Her holiday sounded amazing.

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now