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───── ❝ Valentines❞ ─────

Cass was woken from a sleep that had used up the last of her sleeping potion so, naturally, she was rather groggy. "Love, wake up," she heard a distant voice whisper.

"What?" she muttered, almost incoherently, reaching a hand to her face. She rubbed her eyes and this time heard the voice repeating itself, loud and clear. "Fred?" she muttered, trying to open her eyes. They were met with the painful beams of her bedroom light.

"Morning," he smiled.

"What's going on? Did something happen?" she asked in a panicked voice. "What time is it?" she muttered, glancing over at the clock. She squinted to try and read it. "Three in the morning? Why the hell did you wake me up this early, this is a dangerous game I hope you know that."

"Happy Valentine's Day, now come on we've got to go for our date," he grinned as he stood from her bed.

"A date? At this hour? You're joking."

"Nope, this is the only time that we can do it," he responded, opening the door to her bedroom.

She was not keen on the idea of leaving the warmth and comfort of her bed at this time. But she could tell that there was no point arguing and she was rather intrigued to find out what he had planned. "I'm in my pyjamas, at least let me change first."

"Already got that covered," he laughed, pointing to the spot on her bed where he left one of his jumpers. She picked it up, noted the giant 'WEASLEY' written on the back in yellow letters, then pulled it over her head, rolling the sleeves so she could actually use her hands. She made a mental photo of how his face lit up at the sight of her in it. Cute but also hot at the same time.

"I'm pretty sure you're going to be the death of me," she sighed, then rolled out of bed dramatically. Fred laughed at this and threw a pair of trainers at her which she quickly slipped on. Cass's eyes fell to Nova, still asleep in her bed, as she popped some gum into her mouth to combat the morning breath. She undid her hair and followed after him. "Where are we going?" she asked, having caught up with him in the secret passage in and out of the Slytherin commons.

"That's a secret," he grinned, draping an arm over her shoulders.

"Really? I don't know whether I trust your surprises, Fred," she whispered as they walked past Snape's office. There was no one around and it created an eerie silence, one which she was not keen on. He refused to answer any of her questions the entire way. They eventually reached a statue 'Gunhilda of Gorsemoor' and Fred performed some sort of spell which revealed a slide.

"Ladies first," he grinned, guiding her path down the slide with his hands.

She laughed, "I know better than that by now. You go first."

"Okay okay, fine," he laughed then leapt down the slide, his laughter echoing around the castle's walls. Without hesitation she followed afterwards, the statue closed behind her as soon as she passed its threshold. The slide was shorter than she had expected it to be and she soon sat at the bottom, staring up at Fred who had just tried to jump out and scare her.

She raised an eyebrow, "I knew you were here, why did you think that would work?"

"Worth a try," he laughed as she stood from the slide. They walked down the corridor, which was lit with lanterns every few meters. With every step she couldn't help but wonder what was at the end of this. And after around ten minutes she got her answer in the form of a ladder which led to a wooden hatch. Cass watched as he went through the hatch and waited for a moment, listening to his footsteps above her. Soon enough his face reappeared and he signalled for her to follow.

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now