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───── ❝ Surprising the boyfriend❞ ─────

Tara, Christopher, Nathan and Sofia all woke early the following morning. Daniel and Cass were still passed out from the late-night so they weren't included in the morning shopping trip. Instead, the two just chilled downstairs. The windows open in the kitchen created the perfect breeze that wafted through the entire house. She sat on the sofa, reading through one of the books that Draco had recommended for her to read. "Who made cookies?" Daniel asked as he wandered around the kitchen.

"Sofia and I did," she replied, resting her head on the back of the sofa so she could see him. "You can't have one though."

He raised a brow, "Why are they poisoned?"

"Yep," she smirked then turned back around, getting back into the book.

Once the others returned, Cass spent the rest of the morning in the garden. Sofia had pulled out a small paddling pool and was playing in it whilst the rest of the family talked. After laughing at one of Christopher's stories about Daniel, she glanced at the watch on her Aunts wrist. 11:34. She jumped up and walked into the house. Cass spent the next ten minutes trying to make herself look somewhat presentable. After she felt ready to go, Cass walked downstairs to find Daniel but instead was met with Sofia. "Don't forget these," she smiled, handing her a small container that held cookies.

"Ready to go?" Daniel, who had just walked into the room, asked. He was going to disapparate them both to Diagon Alley. She nodded and took his hand. With a crack - and the sensation of getting squished through a small tube - they stood in the middle of Diagon Alley. "Is Fred going to bring you back?" he asked as they walked down the street, heading to the big red building.

"He can do, if that's easier," she smiled, stopping outside of the door.

"Okay, see you later. No funny business," he smiled then with another crack he was gone. Cass slowly opened the front door to the shop, making sure that it didn't make any sort of noise. She ten walked through the place, glancing at all the things that already covered the shop floor. Eventually, she found the steps that headed to their flat. Her heart hammered in her chest in excitement, it took her a lot of effort not to run through the door. She walked into their living room and saw the back of Fred's head. George was opposite him and smiled at her, making sure Fred didn't see anything. Cass slowly made her way over to the two of them and sat on the sofa, next to Fred but he was too distracted by a conversation with George and didn't see anything. Three minutes passed. And then another two. Honestly this guy-

"Cass?" he laughed, having finally turned his head.

"Took you long enough," she laughed as he pulled her towards him by the waist, continuing to shower her in kisses.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, wrapping her in one of the biggest hugs of their entire relationship so far.

She laughed, voice slightly muffled, "George was sick of you complaining."

Fred raised a brow, "Complaining?"

"Oh come off it Fred. It's been Cass this, Cass that for ages," George laughed as he left the room, probably heading for his bedroom.

"So you missed me that much you annoyed George to the point where he had to ask for me to come and see you."

"Now, now Cass. Let's not get too big-headed," he laughed and pulled her even closer - which she didn't think was even possible. Evidently, it was.

"Fred I do need oxygen to breathe."

"Just shush for a minute," he laughed. They stayed like that for a while, completely happy in the other person's company. The odd kiss was shared during that time period. "Missed you, love," he whispered into her hair, shivers shot down her spine.

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