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───── ❝ An Interrupted Date❞ ─────

Ron hadn't spoken to Cass nor Harry apart from the odd hum of approval. Hermione began to suspect something was going on and decided to bring it up just three days after she had become the girlfriend of Harry Potter. "What is going on with you Ron?" she asked as they all sat eating lunch in the Gryffindor common room.

"Nothing," he grumbled, not making it very believable. Cass could tell that she was getting more frustrated with every passing second.

She sighed, "Well there's obviously something, you've been acting odd for days!"

"I said there's nothing wrong, Hermione," he assured her, sealing it with a small smile. Hermione obviously didn't believe him and stormed away from the table in a huff, much like the frustration that came from Ron moments later.

"When are you guys going to tell her," he whispered, glaring at the two of them.

Cass sighed, "It's complicated Ron."

"I see no problem in it," Harry shrugged. Cass glared at him whereas Ron seemed rather excited by the idea of not secret-keeping.

"Really Harry?" she asked sarcastically with a brow raised. "No problem whatsoever?" She paused, internally screaming at the look of ignorance that crossed his face. "The fact that I promised her that there was nothing between us, multiple times actually, doesn't create a little difficulty? I don't want to ruin a friendship and it makes me nervous so just a little more time, okay?"

Ron nodded as he tried to not make a big deal out of seeing this sort of emotion from her "Aright Cass, take all the time you need."

Cass smiled at him thankfully as she put her walls back up, "I'll tell her soon, I promise." And they both knew she was never one to break a promise.

In Arithmancy, Hermione had many whispered questions for her. Some questions she knew the answer to but others she had literally no clue about. Their main theme was about Ron and when Cass inquired as to why she was so concerned, Hermione got so flustered that she knocked over her inkpot and happened to forget that a spell could clean it up in just a few seconds.

After the lesson, she headed to go back to her common room. About halfway there, Harry (out of nowhere) turned up next to her. They walked alongside for a moment, waiting for the corridor to get quieter. "You know that promise you made me, before the trip?"

"Lemme think..." she joked, knowing full well what he was talking about. "Something about us going on a date, to make up for it?" she smiled and a similar one was mirrored on his face.

He nodded, "Is tonight good for you?"

Her brow raised in surprise, "Tonight? What about the map?"

"They got stuck in detention with Hagrid, they're bust for the night and as long as we get back before then we should be good to go," he replied, finishing just as they got to the door to her common room.

She laughed, "How unfortunate for them." Then she paused, just double-checking that she hadn't made plans with anyone else. "Tonight's good."

"Meet you here at around nine?" he asked, a grin forming on his face.

"Okay," she whispered, gently pressing a kiss to his lips before she disappeared into the passage. Cass went straight up to her room, dreading making a start on the massive pile of homework that had managed to pile up over the past few weeks.

She was deep into a potions essay when a repetitive banging came from her door. She sighed, dropped her pen and went to stand to answer it. But instead, she knocked over a pot of ink, spilling it all over her books. Nova scratched at the banging door as she quickly cleaned up the mess with a swoosh of her hand. "Oh hey Draco? What's up?" she asked, having opened the door to his concerned face.

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