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───── ❝ Summer❞ ─────

The first few weeks of summer were extremely busy. Her Dad was still desperately trying to make it for Christmas. So the second that they got back home, they drove straight to the shopping centre. Cas wasn't really in the mood for shopping, given the past couple of days but she picked out a few things that made her Dad happy. She liked to have something that he picked out, which she would continue to wear and loved how happy it made him. Once they got home, she unpacked everything. Her room became its usual clutter fest of books, decorations and random trinkets. As she placed all the photos on her nightstand she noticed another piece of paper, attracted to one of her perfume bottles. She took it off, careful not to accidentally rip it, and read what it said.

'Hope you have an amazing summer, try not to dwell on Harry too much. I'll send you letters when I can, try not to miss me too much. Fred :).'

She smiled, already missing all her friends way too much. The note, like all the others before it, was laced into her box. She never spoke to Fred about the note leaving but he just kept doing it. It was sweet, she thought anyway.

Throughout the day, she had her Dad to distract her from all her thoughts. They laughed together and did random things from her childhood that made the time even more special. They cooked, went for walks in the forest outside the village, spent time in the garden and listened to many records in the living room. The nights, for her, were the worst. She normally curled up on the sofa in the living room and watched whatever was on the tv with a bowl of something from the kitchen. One bad thing about Hogwarts was the lack of muggle technology, no tv's meant no movies. And Cass loved films. She would watch a film and cry, whether it was about the movie or something in her own head. She hadn't the idea on why she was so messed up about this breakup but her Dad thought it was probably because she didn't grieve the last one. Cass looked forward to letters from all her friends and jumped to reply to every single one she got immediately.

Her Dad, of course, had planned many trips throughout the holiday. They travelled all over the country visiting theme parks, beaches and random funny museums. Her favourite was the museum in Cheshire called Cuckoo Land. It was a museum of only cuckoo clocks and she thought it would be something that Fred would find absolutely hilarious. It was one of the best holidays she had ever spent with her Dad alone so she decided to ignore the gut feeling that something was wrong.

One morning, she was out in the garden and sat in the old oak tree. She was deep into a book and feeling awfully cosy in her Dad's jumper when the entire vibe was ruined by the arrival of the post. It was the Weasley owl. It fluttered down onto the branch next to her and flew off again once she took it.

'Hey Cass, how was the festival? George and I got in trouble today, prank related to this as per usual, so I am currently sending this letter in secret. George is a master of distraction. Anyway, just checking that you're okay and having a good time. Also, Dad's really interested in the entire process of muggle post and I was wondering if you could send some of those things that you put in the corner of the letter? I can't remember what they are called though, Fred :)'

She quickly hopped down from the tree and walked inside. She walked into the living room and found him reading in his usual chair, she smiled as his glasses slipped further down his nose. "Hey Dad?" she asked, leaning on the doorframe.

"Yes, lovely daughter of mine?" he smiled, looking up from the pages.

"Do we have any stamps?"

He paused for a moment, thinking it over. "I think there's some in the kitchen clutter drawer, why?"

"One of my friends from school would like one, his Dad's apparently fascinated by them or something," she laughed through an exhale.

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now