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───── ❝ April first ❞ ─────

Cass woke before the sun did on April First, or Fred and George's birthday as marked in her calendar. She quickly got ready then ran through the castle, half because she didn't want to get caught and half because she was already running late - Nova had been particularly fussy this morning. She climbed the stairs to the secret passage, taking a break at the top to catch her breath before tiptoeing to their bedroom. Lee had propped the door open - as they had planned - so she didn't have to knock and potentially wake someone up. She slipped into the gap and gently closed the door behind her.

Lee was sat on a bed, staring very intently at George whilst he slept. "You know some people would call that creepy," she whispered and he jumped out of his skin. Cass struggled not to laugh.

"What took you so long?" Lee whispered, coming back from his George trance. A frequent predicament that he suffered with recently.

"Sorry, Nova was being a fussy eater... Again," she sighed, still feeling the remnants of stress. George stirred and turned over in his bed. Cass and Lee looked at each other with wide eyes, hoping that he wouldn't wake and ruin their surprise. Cass wordlessly walked over to Fred's bed and took her wand out from the side of her skirt. "Ready?" she whispered, looking to Lee for an answer. He nodded and they both set off confetti explosions and loud bangs which soon woke them both.

"Happy Birthday!" the two chorused, laughing at the two sleepy twins' faces.

"Whatcha do that for," Fred grumbled, throwing his pillow at her.

"Because it's your Birthday," she grinned and threw the pillow right back. They both leapt out of bed and started to chase Lee and Cass out of the room, even half asleep the two were pretty quick. Cass and Lee managed to dodge out of the room quick enough and walked down to the common room to wait for them to get ready for the day.

Both Fred and George walked down together after a good fifteen minutes. George sat down next to Lee and Fred next to Cass. "Hey wakey wakey," she laughed, clapping her hands in front of his face as he started to fall asleep on her shoulder.

"Yeah come on Fred, we have things to do," George grinned and stood up, dropping Lee's hand from his. And with that Fred bolted awake and seemed to get energy out of nowhere. They walked out of the common room, very clearly scheming something.

"Those poor students," Lee whispered once the twins had disappeared from view. They both laughed.

Cass bought her legs up on the sofa and placed a pillow in her lap, "Right Lee. Give me details about George." she paused and watched as he flushed. "Just not anything that's not safe for work."

"I wouldn't tell you that anyway," he laughed then began to describe every single thing that they did together. They seemed to just work. Eventually, everyone else started to wake and they headed down to breakfast - passing quite a few first years who either had pink sparkly hair or looked scared beyond belief.

Cass spent most of the day with Draco doing homework. Fred was off doing whatever he was doing so there weren't any distractions that could stop her from whittling down the massive pile of essays she had to write. She managed to write one before getting too bored and distracted. She just started to clean Draco's part of the room and he did the work for her. The arrangement benefited them both so no one complained.

In the evening, Cass dressed for the twins' birthday party. She headed there early, wanting to find Hermione before everything kicked off. By the time she arrived the common room was pretty much full but finding Hermione didn't come as a huge difficulty. George and Fred arrived soon after everyone else and immediately got a bottle of fire whiskey each, downing a fifth of it to a cheering crowd. Before he got too drunk, Cass managed to pull him away. "Here," she smiled, handing him his gift.

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now