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───── ❝ Her Birthday ❞ ─────

Cass had just finished getting ready for the day when her bedroom door burst open. Ron, Hermione, Harry, Lee, George and Fred all ran into the room. Fred held a cake with candles on it, she laughed. "You guys remembered?"

"Of course we did," Hermione smiled.

"That and Fred wouldn't stop reminding us," George added, giving his brother a glare.

"I wasn't about to let you lot forget," he shrugged and pointed to the candles on her cake. She quickly blew them out, making a wish that couldn't actually come true. Cass never really believed in the whole birthday wish thing.

"Cake for breakfast?" she half asked, cutting it up with a spell. They all grinned and took a slice, sitting in various places around her room to eat. After they had finished up, the group left in pairs - it lessened their chances of getting caught. Fred, unsurprisingly, was the last one left. "Skipping lessons or something Weasley?" she joked, picking her books up from her desk.

"I was just looking at your flowers," he laughed, gesturing to the vase overdramatically.

"They've been in here since you gave them to me. How did you not notice them before?"

"Must have been distracted," he laughed, draping an arm over her shoulder.

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah Yeah." He smiled and looked down at her lips. By now she could tell when he was even thinking of kissing her so just as he went to do so, she leant out of the way. "Now Weasley, calm yourself. Can't be late to lessons," she laughed and ducked under his arm, walking out of her room.

"Hey!" He walked quicker than she ever could and picked her up, spun her around and placed her back on the floor in front of him. He proceeded to shower her with kisses and by the end of it, their stomachs hurt from laughing. "Don't ever do that again," he jokingly threatened.

"I don't know, the look on your face was pretty funny," she joked, though it wasn't really a joke. "I didn't know I affected you so, Darling."

"Sure," he smiled sarcastically and quickened his footsteps so she had to catch up with him. He walked her to his first lesson, kissed her goodbye then went to his. The lesson dragged on for ages and ages and ages. About halfway through she couldn't wait for it to be over. She walked out, feeling relieved and found Fred standing there, waiting to take her to lunch.

"You know I've got that thing with Draco and his mates today, right?" she smiled, hoping he hadn't forgotten.

"I know, I just wanted to give you your gift," he smiled then pulled out a small box.

"I swear to god, this better not explode in my face," she laughed, handing him her books in return for the box. He just chuckled and watched as she precautiously took the lid off the box, keeping it at an arm's distance. When nothing happened she brought it closer to her and gasped. "You were supposed to be saving for your shop!" Inside was a silver bracelet with a charm on it. There was a small jewel in the middle that was the same colour as her Mothers necklace. At the bottom of the charm there was a small engraved date that she recognised immediately, the day he asked her to be his girlfriend.

"Can't I treat you on your birthday?" he laughed, helping her put the bracelet on her wrist. "I saw it in a shop and it matched your necklace so I bought it." She smiled then stood on her toes, kissing him passionately. "I'm guessing you like it then?" he laughed, slightly pink in the face."I engraved the date myself."

"I can't believe you thought of something like this," she smiled, looking down at the bracelet in admiration.

"I'm good at romance," he winked.

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now