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Billie's POV

"Mommy," Eloise said running towards me I swooped her in my arms and she laid her head on my chest.

"Hi my love you done playing?"


"Of course," I chuckled and kissed her head.

"Billie we're leaving soon go get ready" We heard Finneas say behind us.

"I am ready"

"But is Eloise?"


"Really Billie?"

"Okay okay stop rushing me," I stood up

"Is there like a bathing suit under that or something"

"Eh I have a dick so I hope they won't mind swim trunks"

"Dick?" Eloise asked and i quickly covered her mouth while Finneas's face was turning bright red from trying not to laugh.

"Billie she didn't know" Finneas said.

"Let's keep it that way for now" I walked to my room and put on Eloise's bathing suit with shorts over it. I grabbed towels, Eloise's floaties, her sandles, and sunscreen before putting the stuff in the car and we left.



During the car ride I couldn't stop looking at Billie and her features her nose, her lips, her jaw line, her freckles, her smile, her hair flowing in the wind she's just perfect.

"what are you looking at?" Billie asks cutting me out of my thoughts

"You're perfect"

She laughs.

"You're the perfect girlfriend and future wife" she winked at me

"Stoppp don't go there"

"Why nottt?"

"Because I want to focus on us now" I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers

"Okay let's focus on now," she smiled at me.

"We're here," Maggie said we all cheered then got out and grabbed the stuff out of the trunk Finneas and Claudia drove in a different car so they pulled up a few minutes after us then we went inside after signing in.

Once we got in we found a table and sat putting our things down before putting on sunscreen, billie sprayed some sunscreen on Eloise's arms and legs then put her floaties on both sides of her arms.

I love how gentle she was with Eloise, and how Eloise was so attached to her, I never really thought of Billie as a person that loved kids, but Billie adores that girl. overall they have a good relationship and I love it.

"Hey bil can you spray some sunscreen on my back please?" I asked her.

"Sure" She grabbed the sunscreen from my hand and sprayed my back then she grabbed me by the waist

"you look so cute in that bikini" she kissed my collar bone

"Thank you"

"Don't mention it"

"Okay I think everybody Is ready so let's go have some fun" Maggie said


"Billie stooop" I whine at her for pushing me in the pool for like the fifth time today and laughing at me, I splash water at her then got out from the ladder "it's not funny"

"Okay I'm sorry" she grabbed my waist

"I forgive you" I kissed her lips then I and pushed her into the pool

"I deserved that" she said Eloise was by the pool laughing at her with little floaties on both sides of her arms "hey stop laughing at me" she said while pulling her in tickling her causing her to laugh harder

"Cmon let's swim" Billie said signaling for me to come in.


After hours we all got tired and Eloise wouldn't stop crying so we left going back to Billie's house to get cleaned up, and to order pizza and ice cream. Billie gave Eloise a bath and milk then Eloise immediately knocked out now it's our turn.

"Baby let's shower together" I told Billie.

"What happened to taking things slow?"

"You really wanna pass up that offer?"

"Okay bath or shower?"



She ran the shower water and I started getting undressed she did too then we got in. Billie kept giving me weird smirks before pushing me into the wall, she kissed my lips and it quickly turned into a make out.

she kissed down to my cheek then kissed my neck sucking on it.

"Bil" I was cut off by a moan when she sucked hard on my spot.

"Don't get too carried away," I pushed her off.


"Wash my back," I told her.

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