Chapter 17 remake

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Billie's POV

Cassie and I had finally decided to let Eloise go to school since she's been begging me to go for the longest. I was thinking of homeschooling her at first, but I changed my mind since Cassie and I are working a lot, and we have another baby on the way.

So school for Eloise will be our best bet to bring some weight off our shoulders. Plus it's something she really wants so why not?

"I'll be picking you up from school if not it's mama if not mama it's Finneas if not Finneas it's Claudia if not Claudia It's grandpa or grandma k"


"Alright I love you have a good day" I kissed her forehead.

"I love you too mommy"

"I love you Eloise"

"I love you too mama," she blew a kiss to Cassie before walking away

"She's gonna be okay," she sat her hand on my shoulder rubbing it

"I know," I smiled


"Mommy," Eloise gasped running into my arms

"Hi my princess how was school?"

"Good look what I made"

"Aweee look at that is that a dragon fly?"


"It's so pretty good job," I high fived her

"I made a friend"

"Oh yeah what's their name"


"Well I'm glad your making friends," I tickled her belly

"Mommy I'm hungry"

"Okay let's go home," I picked her up and took her to the car.



"Wussup my love?"

"I want a snack"

"I'm kind of busy with laundry right now can you wait a second baby?"

"Okay," she sat down on a chair and watched TV dangling her feet from the chair since they couldn't reach the ground just yet.

I put the rest of the clothes in the basket from the dryer and closed the top.

"C'mon" I held out my hand and she jumped out of the chair and grabbed it as walked out and walked over to the vendy machine.

"What you want?" I asked her.

"That one" she pointed at the potato chips, I put a dollar in and pressed the code watching it come down and I grabbed it opening it for her and passed it to her

"thank you mommy?"

"You're welcome baby," we walked away to the elevator and pressed our floor.


"You're stressed" Cassie came up behind me as I smoked a blunt on the balcony.

"I'm fine"

"You sure?"

"Mhm," I brought the blunt up to my lips

"Smoking is not good for you"

I didn't say anything just blew smoke out looking straight into space.

"I don't want you to go to bed angry or sad or stressed but at the same time I don't want you to do anything stupid because I love you and I care about you I care about your health," she cupped my cheek before locking her lips with mine

"I love you too"

"Let's go back to bed yeah?"

"Mhm," I nodded and kissed her again then put out my blunt and went back inside. "Imma shower"


I grabbed my clothes then headed into the bathroom immediately turning on the shower. I undressed then stepped in immediately running my fingers through my hair. I grabbed a towel and put soap on it washing my body with it. After about 15 minutes I turned off the faucet. And got out wrapping a towel around my body.

I dried off, put lotion on, put on my clothes, and did my skin care along with brushing my teeth. I turned off the light while leaving the bathroom and closed the door walking over to the bed and made myself comfortable.

I looked over at Cassie peacefully asleep so I kissed her head and moved her hair out of her face so I could get a better look at her features. She was beautiful.

After a while I just couldn't fall asleep and kept tossing and turning. I was eventually getting frustrated with myself and got up going into the bathroom digging through the cabinets to find it. I pulled out a little jar and opened it taking out two pills in a small bag. I crushed them and took a razor lining the now powder in a small thin line.

I then took a small stick and sniffed it up my nose. I try so hard to stay off of these drugs, but I relapsed from my last overdose which we don't talk about. I try to act like everything is fine but nobody in my family knows I'm still using.

"Hey you okay in there?" I heard Cassie's groggily voice, I could tell she just woke up.

"Yeah wussup?"

"I gotta pee"

"Okay hold on" I put everything back then flushed the toilet and walked out "all yours" I kissed her head.

"Good night Billie"

"Night my love"


Everything is starting off slow for now👀

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