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This one is short


"Yeah what's wrong what happened?" I jumped up out of my sleep

"Nothing I want to take a bath with you"

"You woke me up.. to take a bath?"


"It's like 3 in the morning"

"I don't care c'mon I already set everything up"

She dragged me out of bed and into the bathroom.


"Now let's get in before it gets cold," she took off her robe and stepped in, I sighed and got undressed joining her in the bubble bath under a red light along with some candles and some music playing in the background.

"You really wanted to take a bath did you?"

"Yep" she got on in between my legs and kissed her while wrapping her arms around my neck

"I'm not gonna lie this is pretty nice"

"I know I did it because you've been stressed and I just wanted to do something nice for you"

"At 3am?"

"Yess now enjoy it," she layed her head on my shoulder

"You're so fucking cute"

"No you are." she pecked my lips


"Ahh yes right there" Cassie moaned as I ate her out on the bed.

"Mhmm don't stop," her eyes rolled in the back of her head.

"You like that" I licked my fingers then shoved my middle and ring finger in her pumping them in and out fastly, she moaned and whimpered while grabbing onto my wrist trying to get me to slow down but I didn't. Her legs shook and her breath got heavier, her moans became more broken when she started approaching her orgasm.

"Let it all out"

She didn't even hesitate and came on my fingers and It dripped down to my wrist

"Damn" I pulled them out and licked her off my hands

"You ready for this dick ma?"

She bit her lip nodding, I took off my boxers and aligned myself up before sliding into her letting her adjust to my abnormal size, I grabbed her waits and placed one hand on her stomach thrusting slowly but pretty hard into her.

"Mhmm that feels so good"

"Fuck you're so tight," I groaned and started to speed up my thrust.

"Daddy I'm gonna cum," she tried to catch her breath

"Fuuuck" I went faster making our skin clap together as I hit her g-spot every time

"Fuck yessss right there ahh," her eyes rolled

We knew we had fucked up when we hadn't even realized Eloise walked in on us, until we heard a scream and small footsteps running away, we looked behind us and saw her little shadow figure then the door slammed.

"Oh shit" I pulled out and we both quickly got dressed.

"You stay here I'll go talk to her," I kissed her lips


I walked up to her door and knocked on it but no response so I decided to just go in, she was sitting on her bed looking at her feet until she spotted me and hid under the blankets, I sighed and on her bed turning on her bedside lamp.

"Hey" I took the blankets off and she sat up to face me "you okay baby?"

"Why you hurt mama?"

"Hurting her? Why would I do that?"

"mama was screaming?

"Um okay how do I explain this...so when you grow up, you may want to experiment with your body, and sometimes you may want to...experiment with someone other than yourself and make each other feel good it's called sex and people do it to make you feel good"

"Oh I thought you were hurting her"

"No I would never do that"

"I know mommy"

"Here's the thing little one listen up"


"Your chest, your butt, and down there those are your private areas, and If anybody touches you inappropriately in those areas or ways you don't like you come to me or mama, even if they threaten you you still come to us, I don't care if it's my mom, or dad, or brother or a child, or an adult, even if it's me or mama you still tell somebody that you trust because it's your body and nobody should be touching you in that way until you allow them to consent"

"What's that?"

"Consent is asking permission, that goes for you too little missy," I played with her hair "you're too young to consent to sex though we'll have that talk when you're older and hit puberty"

"What's puber-uhh"


"Puberty," she repeated

"That's another talk for later my love you need to go to bed it's super late"

"I love you mommy"

"I love you too little flower," I kissed her forehead.

"Night night"

"Night night," I turned off the light.

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