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Billie's POV "nuuuuuu I no wanna sweep" Eloise crossed her arms and turned her head the other way

"baby you need sleep it's late" I said

"I no wanna"

"Well your gonna"

Eloise Is throwing a big fit because she doesn't want to go to bed to this point she is now whining and stomping her feet.

"aye you need to stop and go to sleep" i raised my voice

"I not sweepy"

"I know but you have to"




"fine then I won't talk to you," I said sarcastically folding my arms and turning the other way

Eloise whined and start tugging on my shirt "Mhmmm" she whined but I still ignored her "otay" Eloise said and i kneeled down to her level

"you'll go to sleep?" I asked and Eloise nodded. I picked her up and layed her down in bed before cuddling up with her "If you're a good girl while I'm gone I'll get you a toy"

"I am a good gurl"

"We'll see" i chuckled and kissed her head. I hummed a soft tune and ran my fingers through her hair

Wait a minute let me finish I know you don't care but can you listen, I came committed, guess I over did it wore my heart out on a chain around my neck but now it's missing mhm.

In the morning i didn't actually go to school i lied, truth is i had some gang shit that i had to take care of, i pulled up to the house and got out going inside down to the basement and Drake and Zoe were there beating the shit out of some guy that was tied. His name was Butcher and he stole something very valuable to us, something that is worth a lot of money and could get a lot of us killed okay I'm talking Diamonds, lots of Diamonds, one day they were there the next day they were gone and he took them. I told them to stop and i grabbed a knife holding it up to his throat.

"Where the fuck are they?" I asked him

"I'm not telling you shit"

"See that's where the line gets crossed, if i don't get the Diamonds back a lot of people are going to die including you and me. So be a good little girl and tell me where the Diamonds are, you don't want anything to happen to you do you?"

"What do you want from me?"

"Dude i just told you"

"Please i have a family"

"And so do i motherfucker i have a one year old at home and you think i want her life to be in danger? No so just tell me where those Diamonds are then you can go back to your family and get on with your fucking life and I'll get on with mine"

"... in my pocket there's a piece of paper with the address on it that's where you'll find them"

I went through his pocket and grabbed a piece of paper giving it to Zoe

"If this is a joke you're a fucking dead man" i walked out


Hours past and we ended up finding the Diamonds and put it back in the bosses safe. School has already ended so I drove home and walked into the house acting like I just came back from school Eloise was sleep on the couch with a blanket on her and pepper was sleep besides her, the TV was still on it was adorable. I turned off the TV then went to give her a kiss on the cheek which made her stir a little bit before opening her eyes

"hey baby" I whispered

"hi mommy" she said in a tired voice

"I'm sorry I woke you up baby go back to sleep" I turned around to leave but she tugged on my shirt and whined so i knew she wanted me to stay, i laid down with her and she laid her head on my breast as I ran my fingers through her hair

"you still want to get a toy" i said she looked at me and smiled before nodding her head

"Okay we'll get one later" I kissed the top of her head. My parents left to the grocery store when I came back so it's just me and Eloise "you hungry?" I asked Eloise

"Nuu" she said

"Well I am" I got up then I heard whining from Eloise

"Mhmmm nuuu" she whined

"I'm just going over there" i pointed to the kitchen but she whined again so I just picked her up and took her with me, I warmed up two burritos that my mom had left for me because she knew I'd be hungry when I came back. After I warmed them and sat back on the couch still holding Eloise, she's sitting on my lap playing with my chains on my neck

"You sure you don't want any?" I said and she looked at me before nodding I brought the burrito up to her mouth and she took a small bite

"Is it good?"

"Mhm" she nodded

"Do you want more?"


After we were done eating I heard a knock on the door it was Cassie "hey mama" I said before giving her a quick peck on the lips

"Hi" she laughed before we both walked in the living room where Eloise was sitting on the couch

Cassie's POV

We were watching a cartoon movie with Eloise on the couch and Billie cuddled us both, i went through my bag and grabbed some candy i bought out of it.

"Ouuu gimme" Billie said taking a lollipop out of my hand

After snacking on some candy Eloise decided to go play with the dogs leaving me and Billie alone

"So what now" she said

"I don't know you tell me"

She kissed me and slipped her hand up my skirt while I was leaning on the arm of the couch

"Mhm nope" I said pulling her hand away


"Your daughter's over there what do you mean?"

She just laughed. We never atchully had sex but we fucked around a few times

"Okay we'll finish this another time" she winked making me giggle

"Mommy can we go get a toy now?" Eloise asked

"Yeah baby we can go now let's get ready first" Billie said


Billie's POV after Cassie and I got Eloise ready we left in the dragon to the toy store she was so excited that she wouldn't shut up about it, it was cute though. When we got there she immediately started looking around pulling Cassie with her to admire them it was super cute. She ended up getting a cute little brown dog teddy bear that she held closely "is that all you want?" I asked and she nodded

"Okay let's go buy it" I said as we walked to the register. I payed then we walked out and got back into the car and drove off

it's been a few hours and my parents are preparing dinner Eloise wouldn't let go of her plushy which was cute and Cassie decided to stay for dinner.

After dinner i put Eloise to sleep and we played some video games downstairs.

Okay bye

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