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"How is she doing?" I asked Claudia reffering to my niece Eloise who we let sleep in, She's going through a lot with my sister in the hospital and Cassie crying herself to sleep at nights. My sister has been in the hospital for a week now, everyday Eloise gets worse and worse.

Addiction is far from easy, I feel so bad for them, Eloise espeically. She's young and confused, but also a very smart kid for a three almost four year old, speaking of which, her birthday is only a couple of days away.

We thought about throwing her a party to cheer her up, when we brought up her birthday to her, she didn't show a single smile, she knew that my sister would be away when her birthday does come around.

"She's still sleeping, her breakfast is cold."

"I'm going to try to wake her up."

"Good luck," Claudia kissed my cheek.

I walked into our bedroom and lightly shook Eloise awake, when she saw me she immediatly pulled the blankets over her head.

"C'mon Eloise you have to eat your food is getting cold," I say calmly hoping she'll get excited like she used to at even the word food.

but still nothing came out of her.

"Eloise-" I tried to pick her up.

"No!" She yelled and smacked me.

"Eloise you don't hit"


"Eloise C'mon you have to get out of bed"

"NO!" she screamed this time and tried to push me this time.

"Let's go," I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, she kicked and screamed trying to fight me but I wouldn't let her.

I sat her down on the couch and she attempted to kick me, throwing a huge fit.

"I want mommy!"

She screamed at the top of her lungs while swinging her arms up and down hitting the sides of the couch, her face was bright red and her eyes were full of anger and sadness.

"Eloise?" I heard my sister's voice from the doorway.

Billie looked around and finally spotted Eliose on the couch. Eloise's face softened when she saw her mother and immediately ran to her. She hugged her mother and Billie hugged back holding her tight, sniffing her hair and giving her kisses on her head and cheek. Billie looked sober and stable, at least for now.

"I'm so sorry I love you so much my baby," Billie sobbed.

"I'm so sorry," Billie said again covering her hand over her mouth trying to contaminate her sobs. Billie hated crying, it always made her feel weak. Billie hated apologizing, but she'll only do it if she actually means it. Billie would never make a promise she couldn't keep.


"You're hungry ain't ya?" I asked Billie as she cut up pancakes and basically shoved them down her throat.

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