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Trigger warning


I tossed and turned all night trying to get comfortable but just couldn't, I moved my pillow in different positions, I moved my body facing my side, my front, my back, you name it. I just couldn't fall asleep.

I looked over at Cassie peacefully asleep, I felt extremely bad for what I did yesterday night, when I'm on drugs I do a lot of crazy shit, but I don't know how I'm going to get in control of myself and stop using for good. I knew it was a bad idea when I did my first line of coke when I was 18, till then I've been hooked.

I scooted my body closer to Cassie and kissed her cheek, no reaction out of her so I kissed it again but this time I started to kiss down to her neck, she stirred a little bit and faced towards me, we kissed, then clothes came off and we began to have sex.

It's been a while, obviously it's my fault, I've fucked things up between us and she was right, my daughter is scared of me, and Cassie doesn't reconize me anymore, I wish I can make it up to them but It's too late.

"I'm sorry I love you," I whispered in Cassie's ear as I continued to thrust slowly into her.

After we were finished I heard Cassie silently cry herself to sleep, I felt extremely bad because this all happened because of me, I don't even know how I let my addiction get this bad.

I sat up and headed over to the bathroom, until Cassie woke up and started rubbing her eye.


"I'm just going to the bathroom"

"Okay," she turned over and went back to sleep.

I sighed and kissed her head before heading into the bathroom.

"Take care of Eloise and Jayden, I let you guys down too many times and I'm sorry," I whispered in her ear, though she couldn't hear me cause she had already fallen back asleep.

"I love you guys so much"



I was woken up to a loud thump. I looked over to see that Billie didn't come back to bed so I quickly got up and went over to the bathroom. I knocked on the door and shook the handle but it was locked.

"Billie," I knocked again.

"Billie open the door please don't do this to me"

I looked under the door and saw a familiar green and black hair on the floor, that's when I knew I had to call 911 immediately or she was going to die.


"Hey it's gonna be okay," Finneas ran up to me and hugged me. I couldn't help but to cry In his shoulder, we were at the hospital and I was scared shitless.

"You didn't see her Finneas,"

"Trust me I've had before I know how you feel and I'm sorry you're going through this.

"I just wanted her to get better,"

"How about I take the kids and you stay here"

"I can't let you do that"

"I insist, I know you're tired and stressed out, I can take them off your hands if you need me to"


"Keep me updated, if you need anything from home let me know"

"Thank you Finneas"

"Don't mention it"



I was brushing out Eloise's hair after her bath, Finneas already put Jayden to sleep along with Alaia so it was just me and Eloise, while Finneas talked to Cassie on the phone to check up on his sister. I felt horrible about all of this, I can't imagine what Eloise or Cassie is going through, meanwhile Jayden doesn't even know what's going on, he's too young to understand.

"Is mommy going to die?" Eloise asked out of the blue.

I was immediately taken back by that question but I just shook my head.

"Your mommy is going to be okay she's alive and that's all that matters"


"I'm sorry you're going through this my love but it's going to get better I promise"

She nodded and yawned.

"Let's get you to bed"

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