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I am currently chasing Eloise around the apartment with a towel in my hand while she's butt naked because she doesn't want to put her clothes on to go to bed.

"You can't catch me," she giggled.

I finally managed to catch up to her and grabbed her from behind wrapping her in the towel taking her back to her room to get her dressed.

"You are so wild," laughed helping her get on her clothes.

"But I don't wanna go to sleep"

"Well we're going somewhere tomorrow so you have to sleep"

"Okay," she looked down at her feet sad"

"I love you okay?" I tucked her into bed with her teddy.

"I love you too mommy"

"Get some sleep," I kissed her cheek.

"can you turn on the star lights mommy"

"Okay" I turned on the star lights for her

"Thank you mommy"

"You're welcome baby," I turned off the light going into our bedroom to change and brush my teeth before climbing into bed next to sleeping Cassie, I pulled her closer to me to cuddle her while she buried her head into my neck.

"You smell good" she kissed my neck

"Goodnight love," I whispered kissing her forehead.



I woke up from a nightmare and started crying running to mommy's room shaking her to try to wake her up but she wouldn't wake up.

"Mommy," I shook her harder and she groaned looking up at me.

"It's two in the morning Eloise why are you crying?" She asked tiredly.

"I had a nightmare," I held onto my teddy.

"Come" she invited me into the bed and cuddled me.

"do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head no.

"Okay," she kissed my forehead.


In the morning Mama got up early to make breakfast, after we ate mommy got us dressed and we watched a movie while we waited for mommy and Mama to get ready. it was really early so I was still tired but I wasn't that tired we were both wearing a hoodie with matching pants since it was cold.



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My mom said she has a meeting and mama has work and uncle Finneas is also busy so she doesn't have a babysitter

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My mom said she has a meeting and mama has work and uncle Finneas is also busy so she doesn't have a babysitter.

She said she's doesn't have time to drop us off at her parents house so we just have to come with her. we pulled up to a pretty tall building and get out heading towards a pretty nice room full of toys and other kids.

"Wait here you can watch something on your tablet or play I'll be in the room next if you need me"


"Don't go anywhere

She kissed our foreheads before going into the office, my brother and I waited for like an hour for mommy to come out. We were kinda getting bored and I wanted a snack, I looked over at the lady and she wasn't paying attention so I sat up.

"C'mon," I grabbed Jaydens hand getting off the chairs we were sitting on and left the room to find some snacks until I came across a room full of them.

I saw a box of donuts on the counter so I grabbed a chair and climbed it trying to reach them.

"Hey what are you guys doing in here?" A lady asked with a smile

"My mommy's in a meeting and we wanted a snack" I said nervously looking down at my feet

"Who's your mommy?"


"Oh okay well here," she grabbed a plate and put two donuts on it before helping down on the chair so I won't hurt myself, then we sat at the table.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome so what's your name?"

"Eloise and this is my brother Jayden"

"Hi," he waved.

"How old are you two?"

"3 turning 4 and he's 1," I said excitedly

"Oh so you've got a birthday coming up huh?"


She laughed "okay I'm going to have to tell your mom that you guys are over here so she doesn't have to worry I'll be right back"


We watched a movie and the tablet and continued to eat donuts until we saw mommy come in.

"Hi mommy"

"Hey baby whatcha watching?"

"Little mermaid"

"First or second?"


"How about we go hang out with Finneas Claudia and Alaia yeah?"

"Yes," I yelled

"Okay c'mon," she picked Jayden up and grabbed my hand.

"We had doughnuts mommy"

"I know"

"They were yummy," I hugged her leg.

"Were they?"

"Mhm," I nodded my head.

Mommy buckled us in our carseats before driving off to uncle finneas's house "hi uncle Finneas" I hugged his leg.

"Hey kiddo how are you doing?" He picked me up and rested me on his hip

"Good we had donuts"

"Let me guess they were chocolate?"


He laughed Alaia's in her room getting dressed she'll be down in a minute," he let me down.


"And how is this little man doing," he ran ran his fingers through Jadens hair before picking him up

"Good," he smiled

"I'm glad," he ran his hands through his hair again messing it up a bit.

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