chapter 21

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"where's mommy?" Eloise asked me as we were trying to put a puzzle piece together in our living room.

"i know she's been in the bathroom for a while now imma go check up on her," I stood up and dusted myself off of any crumbs.

"okay," she giggled and took a bite of her brownie while trying to find where her puzzle piece goes.

I walked over to the stairs and walked up them, I headed up to the bathroom entrance and knocked on the door.

"Billie? Your daughter is looking for you are you shitting?" I called out but no answer.


I heard a loud thump that immediately made my heart drop.

"Billie?" I called out again but no answer so I tried to open the door by wiggling the doorknob back and forth but it wouldn't budged, the door was locked from the inside.

"what was that noise?" my mom asked

"i don't know Billie's not answering call 911 just incase"

I kept turning the doorknob clockwise and counterclockwise, but still had no goof results. The door wouldn't budge.

So I took a couple steps back and just kicked it trying to get the door to open, though it still wouldn't budge. But then door was old so I kicked it again and again, until I finally got it open.

Immediately what I saw Billie on the floor laying on her back with vomit coming out of her mouth.

"Oh my god," my mom cried

I hurried and ran to the floor turning her over to the side so she wouldn't choke and then proceeded to form cpr the ambulance came shortly after and took her away handling the rest.

Luckily she was going to be okay.

"mommy?" Eloise tried to run to her but I held her back while she tried to get out of my grip

"Hey it's gonna be okay"

"Mommy!" she got out of my grip and ran outside

"Eloise no"

"No my mommy!" she hit one of the guy's leg.

"Eloise no don't hit him i'm so sorry about that," I grabbed her and picked her up as she tried to kick her feet and fight back.

"It's alright," the guy said

I nodded and took Eloise away

"hey she's going to be okay," i put her down


"i promise okay," i hugged her before picking her up to go to the car

"you guys go i'll meet you at the hospital" I told my parents before strapping Eloise in the carseat and driving off


we got there and found out there was herion and other drugs in her system, she almost died tonight and really put her daughter at risk what the hell were you thinking Billie?

"can we see her?"

"of course right this way"

he led us to her room and opened the door, when she spotted us she turned the other way

"mommy" Eloise ran to her bed and climed on the bed

"hi baby" she shared the blanket with her and kissed her cheek excited to see her daughter besides what just happened.

"Billie we needed to talk..."




"whatcha thinking about?" Cassie hugged me from behind

"just some random stuff"

"i feel him kicking"

i faced her putting my hands on her baby bump

"he's right here," she moved my hand

"1 more month"

"i'm excited"

"me too," I kissed her lips


I looked to see Eloise standing in the doorway holding her teddybear.

"what are you doing up so late?"

"I had a bad dream"

"you wanna come sleep with us?"

she nodded


she climed on the bed and cuddled in between us

"goodnight mommy goodnight mama"

"goodnight my love," Cassie kissed her cheek

"goodnight baby," I kissed her other cheek

I wrapped my arm around both of them before slowly drifting off to sleep.

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