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I woke up with Billie right next to me still peacefully asleep. I looked up at her arm which had a small needle hole that was still healing and slightly noticible.

Still I was upset about it, but I was happy she was willing to get better.

"Hey," she said with her eyes still closed.

"Hi," I kissed her cheek.

"C'mere," she grabbed me and pulled me on top of her, I squealed and made sure I didn't fall.


"I've missed you,"

"I've missed you more," I leaned down and kissed her lips. "Brush your teeth I wanna have some fun before the kids are up.

"Bet," she threw me off of her and ran into the bathroom in just an oversized shirt and underwear.

"Billie!" I threw a pillow at her.

"I got first dibs"

"So mean"


"I love you guys so much, stay strong I'm counting on you guys, before you know it imma be outta here soon and I'll take you somewhere fun"

"Okay," Jayden and Eloise said.

"C'mere princess," I told Eloise and she ran into my arms giving me a big hug.

I sat on the ground and she sat down too.

"I wanna give you this," I took off my bracelet and put it on her wrist adjusting it to her size"

"That way I'll always be with you when you're sad do you understand?"

"Yes mommy"

"Good girl gimme hug"

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I kissed her head.

"I love you so much"

"I love you too mommy"

"C'mere you," I told Jayden while holding out my arm.

He wobbled his way over to me and I kissed his head.

"I'm going to miss you my little man"

I finally pulled away from the both of them.

"I'll be out of here before you know it just be patient," I told them.


"And be good to mama"

"Okay," they both said.

"That's my babies," I kissed their heads again before standing up to face Cassie.

"I'm going to miss you"

"Not as much as I'm going to miss you," I kissed her lips.

"Take care of yourself"

"I will Billie"

"Call me I wanna hear your voice"

"I will I promise"

"Okay," I kissed her again.

"See you soon"

"See you soon Billie," she pulled me into a hug.

The end :)

Second book is up!!!

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