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I turned into the parking lot of Eloise's school and put my car into park before turning off the engine and getting out going inside.

Eloise immediately noticed me and started running towards me but tripped and fell face first. I wanted to laugh lowkey but my first thought was to make sure she was okay.

"Are you okay baby," I ran towards her.

She got up and nodded but I couldn't hold my laughter for any longer.

"Stop laughing at me," she folded her arms

"I'm sorry but how did you fall?" I laughed a little harder but also trying to collect myself


I immediately covered her mouth.

"Aye you can't say those types of words okay?" I uncovered her mouth

"I'm sorry mommy," she looked down at her little feet and fiddled with her fingers in front of her.

"It's alright, besides who else did you learn it from," I rolled my eyes as annoyance to myself before picking her up bringing her into the air and kissed her nose.

I looked up to see her teachers and other parents looking at me like I'm crazy, I gave them an awkward smile before walking out. __________

"Billie" I heard a familiar voice say behind

"We're back," I brought the box of diapers in and some bags full of things we need to replace like soap and paper towels, all that extra shit.

"Thank you bil," Cassie ran into my arms while wrapping her legs around my torso and kissed me.


"Hi," I smiled kissing her again

"you're cooking dinner," she got down.

"Fine," I smacked her ass.


"Damn girl don't stop," Billie said grabbing onto my bare hips as I rode her. I placed my hands on her stomach and rotated my hips whimpering at the feeling of my wife under me letting me do all the work which Is rare.

She placed her hands on my ass causing me to shiver from her cold rings ceresing my body. When I felt I was reaching my climax I sped up but Billie grabbed my waist pushing it down causing me to slow down.

"There we go just like that baby," She said.

"Billie," I whimpered cause it felt good just saying her name.

"Mhm Billie," My eyes rolled and I sped up a little again.

"I'm close baby"

"Me too," I started to speed up more.

Billie kept her hands around my waist and she let out small groans and moans until finally I reached my climax and came all over her shaft and she shot her load into me.

"Fuck you're amazing,"Billie said.

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