Chapter 10

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"Aye there's the birthday girl," my dad cheered

"Good morning dad"

I hugged him from behind.

"Happy birthday sweetheart we have something special for you later and I'm pretty sure Billie has something special for you tonight," she winked at me

"Omg mom no"

"Just don't get pregnant," my sister said

"We never had sex yet"

"Oh hunny then why are you on the pill"


"I overheard a conversation you had with Billie but don't worry we're not mad we're just glad you're growing up"


Billie and I had that talk with my parents about Billie having a dick because we felt like they deserved to know considering she has a daughter, but my parents are supportive.

"But be careful just saying since she already has a daughter we just you know want you two to be a little more responsible because you're still young"

"And I think you're trying to say my pull out game is weak," we heard Billie say behind us.

"Billieee," I gasp running towards her pecking her lips

"Happy birthday beautiful"

"Thank you by the way how did you get in?"

"I got here like 10 minutes ago I was in the bathroom"

"Oh where's Eloise?"

"She's with Claudia and my mom shopping for shit"

"Oh okay" I giggled

"Oh hold on I gotta take this call"


"Aye bro wussup" I said to Brandon who was calling me about some gang shit

"Billie we have something to do together"

"Ah shit yo tell Floy to cover for me it's my girl's birthday"

"Yeah he's here"

"Ight I'll see you tomorrow"

"Aight bye Billie"


I hung up then went back inside.

"Sorry about that"

"It's okay Billie" She wrapped her arms around my neck and I put mines around her waist

"What do you want for your birthday beautiful?"

"I don't know"

"I got something for you"

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