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"Time to wake up girls breakfast is ready," I heard Auntie Claudia say.

I jolted up from my sleep and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

"You're a hungry little one aren't cha?" Said uncle Finneas.

"Yep," I sat in one of the chairs Claudia and Alaia came shortly after.

Uncle Finneas put homemade strawberry waffles and cut up fruit on a plate and orange juice and served it to us.

"Thank you uncle Finneas"

"You're welcome"

We ate breakfast and watched my little pony on Netflix on my tablet, after breakfast we changed into different clothes, we were matching except her shirt was black mines was white.

We ate breakfast and watched my little pony on Netflix on my tablet, after breakfast we changed into different clothes, we were matching except her shirt was black mines was white

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Auntie brushed out our hair and styled it before sending us off to play in the living room, we played with toys for a little bit until we heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it"

"Wait Eloise you don't know who's at the door" Uncle Finneas went up to the door and opened it reavealing mama behind it

"oh hi Cassie how you've been?"

"I'm good I came to check up on Eloise to see how she's doing," she hugged him.

"Hi Mama," I ran and hugged her leg.

"Hello baby look at you guys," she gasped

"You guys look so adorable," she picked me up and kissed my cheek.

"Where's mommy"

"She's not feeling good so she's in bed"


"Yeah but are you having fun over here?"

"Yes we had chocolate and yummy food and we made cookies," I said excitedly

"Were they good?"

"They were gooood"

"What kind were they?"

"Chocolate chip"

"I figured," she laughed

"Well I just came here to check on you and I have work so I'll be going now," she kissed my forehead.

"Okay bye mama"

"Bye baby bye Alaia"

"Bye Auntie," she hugged her.

"Bye bye," she left.

"So we're going to have a girls day just the three of us and we're gonna go get our nails done," Auntie Claudia said

"Yayy," we yelled

"Go get your shoe's on"

3rd person

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