Chapter 13 grounded

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So I'm grounded for about a month I can't go anywhere but school and back, but my parents have to drive me. they took my keys, I can't invite anybody over, I got my phone taken, they took my packet of cigarettes and my weed and threw that shit away, I was mad as fuck because the only way I get to see my baby is at school.

"Ughhh," I flopped on the bed of boredom then an idea popped into my head and I went to the kitchen grabbing some tea bag's cutting it from the top pouring all the tea in the trash, I unfolded it and lined them up in a straight line.

"Mommy?" Eloise ran up to me

"I'm making tea bag firecrackers wanna see?"

"Mhm" she nodded her head yes

I pulled out a lighter and lit them watching them shrivel up in the air


Then the fire alarm went off

"Shit," I grabbed a chair and stood up on it.

"Billie what did you do?"

"I lit some tea bags," I said while turning off the fire alarm.

"And why would you light the tea bag's?"

"To make tea bag firecrackers out of boredom"

"Then go play outside or watch tv don't burn my house down"

"Wasn't planning on it," I rolled my eyes

"Lighter?" My mom said pulling out her hand in front of me

"What? it's just a lighter"

"In my hand now"

I scoffed and pulled out my lighter from my hoodie pocket and gave it to her.


I rolled my eyes and went to the living room and sat on the couch, I turned on the TV watching this corny show called Tom and Jerry, Eloise wanted to join so I cuddled her while we both watched the show laughing at some parts until I heard the doorbell ring and my mom went to open it

"Oh hi Cassie what are you doing here?"


Billie won't answer any of my calls or text and I'm really starting to get worried, a lot of negative thoughts came into mind like what if she's cheating on me or something bad must have happened to her.

I pushed those thoughts aside and decided to go to her house, I rang the doorbell revealing Maggie opening the door.

"Oh hi Cassie what are you doing here?"

"Is Billie here she hasn't responded to any of my calls or text I'm starting to get worried"

"Oh hunny I forgot to tell you she's grounded and she got her phone taken"

"Oh" I sighed of relief.

"Come in"

I walked in and Billie was cuddled up with Eloise on the couch

"Aweee look at you guys"

"Cassieee," Eloise gasped running into my arms.

"Hi beautiful"

"Hi mama" Billie kissed my lips.

"Hi Billie" I put Eloise down.

"You wanna go up?"


"Eloise stay here with Grandma I'll be back," Billie said to Eloise.

I bit my lip, Billie was wearing an orange hoodie with some grey sweats and had her faded blue hair into" a low bun she looked so hot I was practically craving her. She grabbed my hand leading me upstairs to her room and closed her door.

"I missed you," she wrapped her arms around my waist

"I missed you too Billie"

She kissed me

"I want you" I grabbed her groin making her groan.

"Damn mama"

I sat her on the bed and Straddled her lap feeling her bulge through her pants and started grinding on it moaning into her mouth.

"Don't be loud," she told me and I nodded getting off her lap to pull down her pants and her boxers teasing the tip with my tongue.

"Fuck girl keep doing that"

I went back to her lips

"I'm not wearing any underwear"

I got back on her lap sliding her dick into me, I let out a couple of breaths while bouncing up and down taking her all in. Her hands travelled down to my skirt lifting it up giving my ass a hard smack making me gasp, she grabbed both sides of my hips going faster.

until Finneas walked in.

"Oh shit sorry I didn't know you guys were fucking oh my god," he said covering his eyes.

I quickly got off of Billie and she quickly pulled up her pants clearly frustrated.

"Ever heard of knocking asshole get the FUCK OUT," she threw a pillow at him

"Okay jeez next time lock the door" he closed the door

"Fuck I got a headache I need a blunt" she dramatically threw herself on the bed.

"Is that what you got grounded for?"


"Billie why were you smoking?"

"It's nothing"

"What do you mean it's nothing is there something I should know?"

"No it's nothing"

"Fine then I'm leaving"

"Fine okay I'm stressed the fuck out happy? I can't do anything for a whole ass month I don't have my phone I can't go out they took my keys I can't invite anybody over including you okay I'm stressed"

"Smoking it's not going to solve your problems"

"You sound like my mother"

"Bye Billie I'm not going to argue with you"

"No no no stay I'm sorry I didn't mean it," she grabbed me by the waist turning me around to face her, and I kissed her lips.

"See you at school Billie" I walked away.

"Baby," She whined but I continued walking

"Bye Maggie"

"Bye Cassie"


"Hey are you okay?" My brother asked

"What do you want?"

"I just came to check on you, you seem pissed"

"I am pissed"

"Is it because I walked in on y'all?"

"No it has nothing to do with you"

"Okay then tell me what's going on"

"She's mad at me and I can't make it up to her because I'm grounded"

"Okay what if I convince mom and dad to let you go see her and maybe get your phone back"

"Omg thank you big brudder," I gave him a tight hug

"You're welcome little sis cool off a bit okay"


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