Chapter 16

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Cassie's POV

"I want that one," Eloise said to Billie after she won a game, she handed her the teddy bear and Eloise held it close to her chest.

"Thank you mommy"

"You're welcome baby"

"What ride should we go on next?"

"I don't really want to go on any fast rides because of the baby but you guys can go I'll meet you at the food court I want a churro"

"You sure?"


"Okay my love we'll be back" she kissed my lips.

I walked over to the food court and waited in a small line, until this guy started coming towards me. I shrugged it off thinking he's getting in line until he stopped right in front of me.

"Hey shawty can I get ya number?"

"Sorry I'm in a relationship"

"Well I don't see anybody around"

"I'm married"

"So? he won't find out"

"I never said they were a he"


"I'm gay"

"Oh sorry my bad," he walked away.

I got to the front of the line and ordered a churro and a lemonade, I sat at one of the tables while I waited for Billie and Eloise to come back from the ride. They looked around for a moment then saw me and sat down at the table I was on.

"Hey mamas" Billie sat down

"Hi baby" I kissed her

"How was the ride?"

"It was fun" Eloise said excitedly.

"I bet," I laughed

"What you get?"

"I got a churro and a lemonade"

"Sounds good"

"Yeah but when I was waiting in line this guy kept asking for my number I told him I was gay and he walked away," I laughed

"That's my girl," she kissed my forehead.

"Mommy I'm sleepy"

"Yeah we've been here for a while how about we go home and I'll run you a bath and we can watch a movie all three of us yeah?" Billie said.

"Mhm," Eloise nodded.

"Okay c'mon," she picked her up and grabbed my hand as we left the carnival.
Billie's POV

I ran Eloise a bath and washed her up before letting her play in there for a little bit with her toys, she was pretending like there was a battle between ponies or something, I don't know kids are kind of weird.

"I'll be right back call me when you want to get out k"


I walked out of her bathroom leaving the door open so I'm able to hear her, I pulled out a small bag and a key putting a small amount of white powder on the key and sniffed cocaine up my nose. People don't know I do drugs, I just kind of keep it to myself to not cause any problems, and for the sake of my daughter and future baby. I wiped my nose then left to mine and Cassie's bedroom to check up on Cassie.

"Hey baby you okay," I asked her

"Yeah why?"

"Nothing I'm just checking up on you," I kissed her lips

"Mommy I'm ready to get out," we heard Eloise say

"I'll be right back," I kissed her again.

"I'll pick a movie"

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her little body, I dried her off, moisturized her body, helped her put on her pajamas, dried her hair and brushed it out.

"Cmon let's go watch a movie," I grabbed her hand leading her to the living room.

We cuddled in the living room and watched a movie, until Eloise fell asleep in my arms. I took her to her room, covered her with the blankets and kissed her forehead before walking out back to the living room where Cassie was still watching tv.

"Eloise is asleep so it's just me and you" I kissed her.

"I love you"

"I love you too," I kissed her again

She layed her head on my shoulder while tracing the tattoos on my arm.

"I'm tired"

"You wanna go lay down?"

"Can you carry me?" She pouted

I lightly chuckled before picking her up bridal style taking her to the our bedroom, I layed her down and hovered over her giving her long pecks on the lips

"Ima go take a shower"

"Okay," she kissed me

I got off of her and grabbed a towel, I undressed and got in the letting the warm water soothe my muscles, after washing up I was about to get out until I felt arms around my waist.

"I thought you were tired mama"

"I was but I couldn't fall asleep without you"

"I'm not that special"

"Yeah but you're mine"

"I'm yours," I leaned in to kiss her lips.

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