chapter 25

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Billie's POV

I hesitently look at the half empty bottle of liquor in front of me rapidly tapping my leg while squeezing the bottom of my shirt.

I take the bottle downing the hard liquor while I stung my throat but i ignored it and cried at 4 o'clock in the morning.

"Mommy are you okay?" Eliose asked me.

"Yeah I'm okay baby what are you doing up so late?" I wiped my tears.

"I got thirsty"

"Oh o-okay" I got up slightly stumbling over my feet when I felt the alcohol kicked in pretty hard, I grabbed a small cup and some water from the fridge and filled it up before giving it to her.

"Thank you mommy" she smiled

"You're welcome my baby get back to bed k?"

"K," she walked away in her little nightgown and tiny slippers.

Cassie's POV

I woke up and turned to the side to see Billie who reeked of alcohol from her clothes and her breath. She doesn't usually drink so I knew immediately something was up.

"Billie," I hit her thigh

"Hm," she groaned

"Wake up," I shook her.


"Wake the fuck up"

"What the fuck do you want"

"Excuse me?"

"I said what the fuck do you want" she said more harshly.

"you're drunk"

"No," she plainly lies

"Stop lying to me Billie"

"You know what I'm sleeping in the guest room," she grabbed a pillow

"Yeah walk away from all of your problems"

She walked back and grabbed my throat tight pushing me against the wall

"you're becoming part of the fucking problem"

she let go and walked out while I coughed and gasped for air, tears formed in my eyes thinking about all the things she did to me in high school.

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