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I woke up on the bathroom floor realizing that I had passed out again.

I felt so sick and nauseous that I immediately made my way over to the toilet and threw up.

After a little bit I tried to stand up, but my balance was off.

what the fuck did I take?

I splashed my face with cold water and brushed my teeth before looking in the mirror. My vision was still kinda blurry and I looked like shit. I looked at the time and realized I was supposed to pick up my daughter over 4 hours ago.

what kind of mother am I?

Cassie's at work and Jayden's with my parents which means I was supposed to take care of her but instead I popped a random pill and made a mistake with mixing it with alcohol and passed out on the bathroom floor.

I picked up my phone and clicked Finneas's contact, he picked up right away but sounded annoyed.


"F-finneas can you pick up E-Eloise f-from school please," I stuttered over my words.

"Cassie already left work to pick her up and brought her over to me and we went to go get ice cream but what the fuck were you doing all day Billie were you getting high?"


"Then why did you forget to pick her up she waited at that school for over an hour"


"No I don't want to hear it I'm coming over" he hung up and I couldn't help but to cry now my own brother hates me.


"What the fuck Billie you had her waiting up there for almost an hour so you can get drunk what the actual fuck is wrong with you?" Finneas yelled.

"I-I'm s-sorry" I cried harder.

"You know what Eloise is staying with me for a few days start sobering up"

"No don't take my baby Finneas I'm sorry"

"She's not safe around you you're not stable she'll be back in a few days you need to get your shit together"

Finneas's POV

I grabbed a bag and started packing some of Eloise's clothes, toothbrush and stuffed animals, after I was done packing her stuff I went to the living room to check on her but she looked down at her feet sad because she can still here her mom crying drunk in the other room.

"Uncle Finneas why is mommy crying?"

I sighed and went sat down next to her.

"You don't have to worry about that okay she's going to be okay but you're going to stay with me for a couple days"

"Yaayy," she smiled

"Don't worry about your mom she's just.. Sad right now"

She looked at the teddy bear I had in my hands and took it from me running off onto her parents bedroom.



I ran to my parents room and found my mommy on the bathroom floor still crying so I went up to her and hugged her.

"Don't cry mommy"

"I-i'm so s-sorry I left you" she hugged back and kissed my head.

"I love you," I handed her the teddy I had in my hands.

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