Chapter 24

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"You look so cute here I'm making it as my wallpaper," I told my wife.

"You look so cute here I'm making it as my wallpaper," I told my wife

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"Noo Billie"

"Too late already did"

"I hate you," she hit my chest.

"You know you love me"

"You're an idiot but you're my idiot," she smiled while kissing me.

"And i love your corny comebacks," I kissed her again

"We haven't did anything in a little while...I want you," she straddled my lap and started unbuttoning my shirt while kissing down my neck until I got a call.

"Ughhh what do they want" I grabbed my phone without looking at the contact

"Yo?" I said along with a small groan when Cassie started sucking on my neck.


"Yeah baby you okay is everything okay?"

"Mommy I don't feel good"

"Do you need me to come pick you up?"


"Okay I'm coming," I hung up

"Eloise doesn't feel good?"

"Yeah I'm gonna go pick her up," I stood up

"Oh Billie before you go.. button up your shirt"

I look down to see my shirt slightly unbuttoned but two hickeys on my chest, I laughed it off before leaving. I pulled up to the school and went inside going up to the front desk

"Um I'm here to pick up Eloise O'Connell"

"And You're her.."


"Your name?"


"Last name?"


She looked me up and down before pointing her pen towards a door.

"Nurse's office over there"


I went into the nurses office where she was sitting in one of the chairs.


"Hi baby how do you feel?" I felt her forehead.

"Not good"

"You're burning up i think you might have a fever," I picked her up.

"Mommy my tummy hurts"

"Are you hungry?"

She nodded her head yes.

"Okay let's go home?"

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