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After I was done with training I went to go grab a shower in my room at the gang house. Eloise has been super clingy with me, but I always find a way to get her distracted so I could go do things. right now she's asleep.

I laid right next to her and cuddled her, she stirred a little before looking at me with her piercing blue eyes that looked just like mine.

"Hi baby are you hungry?"

"Mhm" she shook her head yes.

"Okay c'mon"

"up" she held out her arms out for me to pick her up, I sighed and picked her up bringing her downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey Billie we have to leave in a few hours," Brandon told me.


he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"NO" Eloise yelled smacking his hand I laughed at her being overprotective of me.

"That's not nice," I said to her

"No mine"

"Well I have to go somewhere later and I'm gonna need you to be a good girl while I'm gone"


"I'm coming back"


"What's up with you lately"

"Nooo" she huffed .

"Baby I'm not going anywhere I'll be right back I promise"

She layed her head on my chest and I made us some bean burritos and warmed them. We ate then I had to get ready to do some business,

Eloise didn't like that.

She cried and threw herself on the ground throwing her fit trying to get me to pick her up, but I ignored her and continued to get ready.

I was trying to leave but Eloise wouldn't stop crying and holding on to my leg so I finally sat down on the floor going down to her level and she ran into my arms immediately calming down from my touch.

"I'm coming back be a good girl for me until I get back okay I love you"

I kissed her head and picked her up giving her to Mika since she's good with kids, she cried and screamed and kicked but I knew she'll be fine.


I looked at the bruises patched up all around my stomach and rib area, I got into a really bad fight with some guy and he hit me multiple times with a metal bar.

We took the money and eventually left after that but I'm in so much pain i think I can barely walk but the crew is helping me out.

"Hey take it easy" Zoe said as I tried to stand up.

"I need to see Eloise"

"Eloise is fine she's eating fruit and watching cartoons with Mika, we can handle this we have it under control now drink this and take this" she passed me water and a pill.

"What is it?"

"Percocet for the pain it should knock you right out"

I was hesitant, but eventually downed the pill with the water then sat the water on the nightstand. After a couple of minutes i felt sleepy then finally knocked out I just need a nap.


I blew smoke out of my window from the blunt i was smoking after a long ass day, I look behind me to see my daughter still peacefully asleep considering it was around 11 maybe 12 o'clock at night.

"What are you doing smoking this while she's in the room?" Zoe asked

"I'm blowing it out of the window though"

"Still smoke travels and the smoke alone can cause breathing problems for the child"

"My bad" I put out my blunt and tossed it out of the window it was almost finished anyways.

"Billie you have to be careful with shit like that, you're smart so next time if you wanna go smoke do it outside"

"Okay I get it I fucked up okay I'm just stressed out"

"I get it but be aware for the safety of your child" she kissed my forehead "I love you Billie but I gotta go I'll see you in the morning k?"

"Okay love you too"

"Get some rest" she walked out, I sighed getting up and going over to mg bathroom to change my clothes and brush my teeth. I laid down in bed and cuddled Eloise, she stirred a bit but went back to sleep as I stroked her hair and hummed a song then I eventually fell asleep myself.


"Hey how was Zoe's?"

"It was fun"

"I'm glad you guys had fun you hungry?"

"No no but I think Eloise might be," I smiled trying to hide the fact that I was still in so much pain, "I'm gonna go grab a shower"

"Okay love"

I walked away to the bathroom and ran a shower, I took off my shirt and unwrapped my bandages wincing at the pain but succeed on taking them off. I took the rest of my clothes off and slowly stepped into the shower.

It was relaxing and the warm water soothed my muscles. I took my loofa and washed my body with it and after about 30 minutes I finally got out.

I grabbed my towel and dried my body with it before putting on lotion and deodorant, I put on an oversized hoodie and sweatpants, then I put on perfume before popping a pill to soothe the pain.

I went downstairs to see my dad playing the piano with Eloise and they looked super adorable together, I love that my dad is bonding with his granddaughter.

"I'm gonna go to the store for some things you want anything?" Mom asked

"Takis and a can of beans and vegan chocolate for Eloise" I told her.

"I'm okay" my dad said

"Okay I'll be back I love you guys"

"Love you too" we both said as she walked out of the door

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