chapter 22

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"i'm whooping your ass," Billie said to Finneas referring to the game they're currently stuck on.

"shut up"

"yeah i think Billie's kicking your ass," Claudia said causing me to giggle and take a sip of my tea.

"fatality bitch," she yelled dropping the controller on the couch.

"i let you win," he defended

"nah you just suck," she took a sip of her soda.

"your pull out game sucks"

"but you got Claudia pregnat mines was planned"

"yeah but was Eloise planned?"

"shut the fuck up," she hit him with a pillow

"Oh my god my water broke," I heard claudia yell

I tried to get up to help but then I felt a liquid run down my legs, I looked down only to realize my water also broke.

"Oh shit"

"what are you two doing sitting there help us," Claudia yelled at Billie and Finneas

they both quickly got up and got on their shoes before helping us to the car


"he looks just like you," Cassie said looking at our son after she just gave birth to him

"you think so?"


"well i think he looks like his beautiful mom," I kissed her lips

"he's adorable," Eloise said

"yeah he is but shhh keep your voice down he's sleeping"

"Okay," She whispered making me giggle a bit

"Imma go check up on Finneas and claudia to see how little Alaia's doing you get some rest okay i'll take over if he cries"

"You sure"

"Yes you just pushed out a baby i know you're tired," I kissed her forehead

"I love you"

"I love you too"


"So that means we can't have sex for weeks?"


"I don't think I can last that long"

"You'll live plus my stiches have to heal on my vagina and i'm bleeding a lot.. I just pushed out a baby for crist sake"

"Well can I at least hit it from the back?"

"If I give you head would you shut the fuck up?"

"But I want more than just head"

"Fine you won't get anything"

"Fine fine fine i'll take it"

"Aren't you supposed to be picking up Eloise from your parents house?" She laughed taking a bite of her sandwitch

"Oh shit I am um you sure you can handle him by yourself?"

"Ies Billie now go"

"okay I lub you," I kissed her cheek a bunch of times

"I lub you tooo now go"


"Hey dad"

"Hey Billie how are you?"

"I'm doing great"

"How's the baby?"

"He's doing good he eats a lot but he's good" I laughed

"Aweee we can't wait to go see him"

"Mommy," Eloise came running up to me

"Hi princess" I hugged her

"Thanks for watching her"

"No problem"

"where's mom?"

"she's in the shower I'll tell her you stopped by to pick Eloise up"

"Okay cool you guys can stop by later to see him"


"Okay bye dad thank you"

"Bye you two get home safe"


"You're a hungry little boy aren't chu," I picked my son up out of his crib and slowly rocked him trying to calm him down. I sat down in a chair and fed him milk through a bottle.

After he was done with his bottle I burped him and changed his diper.

"Hello my son," I smiled at him and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

I felt Cassie's arms around my neck and she kissed me cheek.

"you smell good," I told her

"thank you"

"Mommy i'm hungry," Eloise said

"Okay i'm coming"

"i'll take him," Cassie took Jayden from my arms .

"You want dino nuggies?" I swooped her up into my arms.


I put some vegan dinosour chicken nuggets in the oven and ate some chips while we waited for them to be done.

"dino nuggies are ready," I pulled them out the oven and put them on a plate

"you want ketchup?"

She nodded her head and I shook the ketchup and squeezed some on the plate

"Thank you mommy"

"you're welcome baby," I kissed the top of her head.


"goodnight baby brudder," Eloise kissed his cheek

"goodnight mama," she said to Cassie reaching in for a hug.

"goodnight angel," cassie kissed her cheek.

"alright cmon bed time" I picked her up taking her to her room before tucking her in.

"tomorrow I have work so it's going to be you mama and the baby"

"okay mommy"

"goodnight baby I love you so much"

"I love you too mommy"

"Sweet dreams" I kissed her fourhead

I walked out of her room and went to our bedroom before getting in bed with Cassie

"hey beautiful," I grabbed her waist

"please I gained a bunch of weight"

"so? that doesn't mean you're not beautiful," I kissed her lips.

That turned into a makeout sesh.

I pushed her down on the bed and hovered over her not breaking the kiss while she moaned into my mouth, I slipped my tongue in exploring her mouth, catching her bottom lip in between my teeth before letting go making a sound with a p.

"where'd you learn to be such a good kisser?"


"mhm kiss me like that again"

i chuckled before kissing her again, i held her bottom lip with my thumb slipping my tongue in letting our tongues fight for dominance i won obviously, i went down to her neck sucking on her spot making dark hickeys on it.

"Fuck i want you so bad," I whispered in her ear but she just pushed me off


She got on top of me and kissed my lips making her way down to my neck, my chest, my stomach, down to my shorts taking them off along with my boxers putting the blankets over her while she gave some good ass head.

"Oh shit"

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