30 remake

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"Hey Billie"

"Sup shit head," she said as she walked into my house

"Nice to see you too"

"Where's my kid?"

"She's playing upstairs with Alaia and Claudia"

"Oh okay"

"You still look like shit"


"So I see you're still using?"

"I'm going to see my kid"

"Not until you answer my question"

"Fuck off Finneas you came yesterday ight I'm not gonna get off that easy"

"Well you should start before Eloise goes back home with you"

"She's not your kid"

"And I can still take you to rehab"


"Clock is ticking Billie you don't have many options"

She didn't say anything just walked upstairs and I followed her to me and Claudia's shared bedroom, the kids and her were playing a board game on the floor until Eloise spotted Billie and ran up to her hugging her leg.

"Hello my little bean" she said while picking her up.

"Hi mommy"

"Hey Billie how are you?" Claudia asked

"I'm doing okay you?"

"I'm doing great I was planning on taking the girls to the mall tomorrow"

"Sounds like fun don't it," she tickled Eloise making her giggle

"I have a vegan lasagna cooking in the oven Billie why don't you stay for dinner"

"Pleaseee mommyy," Eloise begged

"I can't resist that little face"


"What are you playing here?"

"Connect 4"

Me and Claudia walked out of the room to check on the lasagna cooking but more to talk in private so Billie won't hear.

"Did you give her the drug test?" Claudia asked while opening the oven to look at the lasagna.

"Yeah I did"

"What did it say?"


"Oh shit you serious?"

"Yeah she's doing drugs, I'm thinking about putting her in rehab if she doesn't get her shit together, I feel bad enough to keep Eloise away from her because she's a good mother but it's what's best for the both of them, the last time she was on drugs she was... aggressive"

"I understand and you're doing a good thing Finneas you gotta do what's best for her she's your little sister," she kissed my lips.

"dinner will be ready in 30 minutes"

"Perfect I'm starving"


"I guess you don't learn Billie"

"It's just a cigarette so fuck off Finneas," she blew out smoke from the cigarette she was smoking outside in the backyard

"It's late and you're not driving like this"

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