Chapter 15

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"Soooo," I spoke.

"What Billie?" Cassie cut me off as she was kneeling over the toilet throwing up. Obviously she was not in the mood, but me being me obviously can't take shit seriously.

"You pregnant?"

"I have no fucking clue Billie you've been asking me that question for the past hour"

"Are your breast sore?"


"Period late?"

"What are you a doctor now?"

"Aye I'm just tryna help"

"Well you're not"

"Find we'll drive to the store and grab a pregnancy test"

"You know it's not always accurate"

"Then we'll grab 2"


She was immediately cut off by more vomiting.

"Yep definitely pregnant," I whispered



"I'm scared to turn them over"

"I'll do it," I reached for it but she smacked my hand away.

"Not yet"

"Do you wanna know or not?"

"I'm scareddd Billie"

"You were the one that asked me for a baby"

"I know but I thought it wouldn't work right away"

"Then that means my dick is magic"

"God you're so gross," she rolled her eyes following along with a scoff.

"I'm just playing mama but if you're pregnant or not I'm here"

"I love you"

"I love you more," I leaned in and kissed her lips.

"Turn it over," she said.

", two, three," I turned both tests over and they both read two positive signs meaning that she was pregnant.

"Holy shittt"'

"Oh my god I'm pregnant"

"We're having a baby"

Cassie squealed excitedly jumping into my arms.

"We should celebrate"


Later on we set it up this diner get together for both of our families to tell the good news

"Hiii How are you?" Maggie pulled me into a hug

"I'm doing great how are you?"

"I'm doing good ugh you kids grow up so fast"

"I guess," I chuckled

"Grandmaa" Eloise ran into Maggie's arms.

"Hi hunny"

Everybody else Arrived and we all ate, watched tv, laughed and joked until it was time for the big announcement.

"Alright all of y'all shut the fuck up i have an announcement" Billie sat up "okay let's start off by saying thank you all for coming and we have some good news-

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