Chapter 11

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I walked into the house immediately kicking off my shoes, I figured everybody was asleep so I went to the kitchen to grab a snack, it was like 2 in the morning and I got back home from Cassie's birthday party.

I grabbed a brownie from the fridge that my mom made earlier in the day, and put it in the microwave for 15 seconds then pressed start, I went on my phone checking for any messages as I waited which didn't take long for it to be done.

"Mommy" I heard Eloise say from upstairs.

"Yeah baby"

I heard her little feet going down the stairs then footsteps running around.


I peeked my head through the door of the kitchen and her face lit up running into my arms.

"Hi princess" I picked her up resting her on my hip.


"Are you hungry?"


"You sure?"

She shook her head no

"Okay what are you doing up so late?"

She shrugged.

"Aren't you tired?"


"Oh god" I muttered this girl is probably full of energy.

"Cmon let's watch some tv"

We went upstairs and I turned on looney toons, a cartoon show that was quite entertaining for the both of us, since it was pretty much my whole childhood.


She pointed at the brownie.

"You want some?"

She nodded and smiled, I put it up to her lips and she took a small bite.

"Is it good?"

"Mhmmm" she nodded.

I broke the brownie into two and gave one half to her along with a small paper towel.

"Thonk u"

"You're welcome baby"

After we were done eating I threw the paper towels away and I cuddled her

"Are you sleepy?" I asked and she nodded while yawning.

"Okay" I lightly chuckled then started humming a soft tune and sang to her.

I sang all the way until she fell asleep.



I woke up and stretched realizing I was kinda sore from my things, memories from last night came into my mind and I smiled at the thoughts of Billie and I having sex for the first time in our relationship, like actual sex, and the fact that it felt so good even though it was my first time.

I got up took a shower brushed my teeth and all basically did my morning routine, I decided to wear a long shirt and some shorts that Billie left over here on purpose, I smiled when it still smells like her. I went downstairs to get breakfast until I saw my mom and sister staring at me kinda shocked.

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