Chapter 19

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Also this one is short






"Yes Billie what do you need?"

"I'm hungry can you make me some food?"

"Billie you can go make it yourself or you can wait till dinner"

"Billie stop bugging your mom," Cassie said to me.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

We decided to visit my parents for the weekend also because I wanted to take shark with me since I didn't get to take him during the moving process.

"Mommy look," Eloise came up to me with a purple little flower.

"It's so pretty"

"I found it in the backyard"

I took the flower and put it in her hair then snapped a pic.

"Look," I showed her the picture


"You like it?"


"Okay go play," I kissed her little cheek.

"Hey bil"

"Hi Finn where's Claudia?"

"She's coming"

"Oh okay"

"How come every time I see you, you have a new tattoo?" He pointed out the ones on my neck

"You like 'em?"


"No," my mom said

"I got your name on my arm," I pouted at her

"I don't mind them on your arm but I do mind them your neck"

"Oh pftt"

"Well I think they look sexy," Cassie wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.

"I think you're sexy"

"Hi Guys"

"Hi Claudia"

"Look at our bumps," Cassie pouted while hugging her.

"Speaking of that we should have the baby shower in the backyard since it's big enough"

"Yesss that sounds like a great idea," Claudia said.

"But who's gonna know the gender of the babies?" My brother asked

"I can do it," my mom suggested.

Me and Finneas looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

"Mom you know damn well you can't keep a secret"

"I can do it," my dad suggested.


"I can keep a secret," she defended.

"Yeah okay" I chuckled

I saw that my mom put some tacos on a plate so I decided to go steal one.

"Billie you couldn't wait"

"Nope," I laughed.

"Billie stop messing with your mother"

"Suck my dick"

She smacked the back of my head

"Ow bitch"

She smacked me again.

"You wanna think twice before calling me a bitch"

"Bitch," I mumbled under my breathe.

She snatched the taco out of my hand and took a bite before walking away leaving me in shock.

"I was gonna eat that"

"That's what you get," Finneas laughed.

"Shut the fuck up"

"Make me"






"How about you both shut up and stop yelling curse words at each other," my mom told us.

"Well she started it"

"Well he started it," we yelled at the same time.

"You both are acting like children you have a daughter out there that can probably hear you," she turned back around.

I flipped him off before walking outside to the backyard to check up on Eloise.

"Hi mommy"

"Hi baby what chu doing?"

"Playing with pepper and shark"

"Well we're gonna have to go inside soon I think grandma is almost done with dinner"

"Okay mommy"

I kissed her forehead before going back inside.



"Mommy," Eloise shook me awake.

"Hm what's wrong baby"

"I can't sleep too scary," she said referring to the lighting and thunder while holding onto her teddy tight.

"Come here," I pulled her into my arms to cuddle and covered her with the blankets.

"Can you sing to me?"

"Sure mama what song?"

"Mhmm Ilomilo" she said excitedly

"You sure love that song don't ya?"


"Okay"I lightly chuckled


I wrote this while it was raining🥰

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