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Billie's POV

It's hard, so fucking hard to stay off of it, once you get addicted, there's no going back. That's why I find myself sniffing cocaine up my nose at a homies house, I know what people are gonna say and think but I can't help it, I can't stay sober.

Once I did another line I held my nose then laid my head on the couch letting that euphoric feeling hit and I was so high I couldn't feel a thing. That's the way I liked it.

"You wanna try something new?" Pablo asked me while holding up a needle.

"Nah man I'm good I don't fuck with needles" I chuckled.

"Plus I'll die tonight if I take something else" I slurred while blinking my eyes trying to get my vision to clear.

"Aye man what the fuck are you doing here anyways don't you got kids?" Brandon said

"Don't you mind your own fucking business for once"

"You shouldn't be getting high like this"

"You should suck my dick"

"Very funny"

"Spend a night you can't drive" Pablo said

"Yeah no shit you got a good blanket?"


"Then fuck it"


I woke up and rubbed my eyes then stretched because the couch isn't exactly comfortable. I took a cigarette from the pack of cigarettes on the table and lit it with a match before deciding to check my phone.

I saw 5 missed calls from Cassie and like 10 messages from her and my brother. I'm pretty sure didn't have anything to do yesterday or today so I don't understand why they were blowing up my phone.

I annoyingly pressed on Cassie's contact and let it ring before she picked up.

"Jesus Christ you scared me where the fuck are you I've been calling you"

"I just crashed at a friend's house," I flicked ash out onto the ashtray before bringing the cigarette up to my lips again.

"You were supposed to pick up your son from your parents house last night I was working"


"Look I lost track of time"

"That's not an excuse Billie you have responsibilities and right now you're not even doing that"

"I'm on my way"

"I already picked him up"

"I'm on my way home then"

"Alright I love you"

"I love you too," I hung up then put the cigarette out and got up putting on my shoes .

"Leaving so soon?" Pablo said.

"Yeah I gotta get home or my wife is going to kill me"

"You wanna buy anything before you go?"

"You're full of shit," I laughed then dapped him "I wanna buy some of that if that offer is still up"

"I thought you didn't fuck with needless"

"Just give it to me how much?"


I put my keys through the door probably preparing myself to get yelled at again but I really don't care at this point, I just want to take a shower. I opened the door immediately met by small feet running towards me practically tripping over them.

"Hiii my son" I smiled and picked him up resting him on my hip.

"how was grandma and grandpa's house was it fun?" I asked him and he nodded his head yes.

"That's good," I kissed his cheek then saw Cassie In the living room and she was mad.

"Go play," I told Jayden and he ran off.

Cassie walked up to me and surprisingly hugged me, I thought she was going to do a whole lot worse.

"As much as I'm angry with you you almost scared me to death." She said while sniffling like she had been crying.

"You're crazy," I smiled at her.

"You're insane"

"I'm gonna take a shower"

"Okay" she kissed my lips "you're cooking dinner" she smacked my ass

"Got it"


"What were you doing at Pablo's?" Cassie asked.

"You know he always throws epic parties so we just got drunk and passed out"


"I thought I was free yesterday"

"I can't even argue with you since you're already home," she takes a bite of her spaghetti.

"Here," I wipe Jayden's hands and mouth since he refuses to eat with a fork because he just gave up on it, doesn't mean we don't give it to him because we want him to still get the hang of it, but hey gotta eat one way or another I don't blame him. He's a stubborn kid he gets it from me.


"Shhhhh" I gently laid Jayden down in his bed and covered him with the blankets then gave him a kiss on the forehead. I left the room leaving the door open in case of anything.

"He's asleep?" Cassie asked.

"Yeah" I walked up behind her and started kissing her neck lightly sucking on it.

"I'm really tired tonight Billie"


She turned around and kissed my lips.

"I love you"

"I love you more," I smiled and kissed her lips again.

"Don't stay up too late It gets cold without you," she pouted.

"I'm just gonna finish up some work in my office"

"Okay," she pecked my lips again then left off to the bedroom. I went into my office and closed the door locking it.

I pulled out a small box from my bag and thought about it for a minute before deciding to open it taking out a small bag full of white powder.

I poured some on a spoon with a little bit of water and lit a lighter under it, burning it into a liquid.

I took a fresh needle and sucked the liquid into it before setting it down on my desk. I took a scarf and tied it around my arm tight, then double tied it so I'm able to see the vein.

I then put the access of the scarf between my teeth then put the needle into my arm injecting the herion into my vein. I winced but it was muffled due to the scarf. I finished and took it out of my arm then put everything back.

It hit fast and hard. Everything was so blurry around me and I could've sworn I was seeing colors. I later fell asleep to this feeling because I couldn't get up, I couldn't even move.

It was new.

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