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Re-written this chapter AGAIN💀🔪

Cassie's POV

it's now Friday night and I'm getting ready for the party, I decided to go in this really cute black long sleeve cropped shirt, a skirt with a belt, and my black shoes with high tops, I also decided to curl my hair.

I got a text from Leah saying she's going to pick me up in 20 minutes and to be ready, I walked out of my room and headed for my sister's, her door was open slightly with the color purple glaring from it.

"Hey I'm leaving soon don't eat all the cheesecake"

"You look cute where are you going on a date?"

"No to a party"

"Let me do your makeup"

"Okay fine some light makeup tho my friend will be here in less than 30 minutes"

"Oh ok I got chu"


"You have like the perfect eyes," my sister's said while finishing up my makeup.

she did my eyeliner and added a little blush, highlighter and some lip gloss. she also gave me a really cute necklace to wear for the night.


"You're welcome and done"

"Okay thank you my friend is here I have to go"

"You look hot," she slapped my ass.

"Ow you're so dead when I get back"

"Shush and go"

I flipped her off before leaving.

"hey gurl look at you looking all cute in shit this is not the Cassie I know this is a hottie" we both looked at each other before laughing our asses off

"okay you look cute too tho"


I got to the party and when I got inside I was hit with the smell of weed and alcohol people on the dance floor grinding on each other the music was so loud I immediately wanted to leave.

I don't do parties. but I only came here because I knew Cassie would be here.

After waiting for a little while I saw that Cassie and Leah had walked in, Cassie looked so hot tonight especially in that mini skirt.

After a while I smoked a blunt with some of my friends, not too much because I wasn't planning on getting high that night.

There was that girl Mandy there, I had fucked her once, but she keeps trying to come back for more. She's honestly really annoying if you want to put it that way.

Plus I have my eyes on someone.

But know damn and well she don't like me back.

She would hardly look at me anyways.

I was cut out of my thoughts when I heard the same girl announce that some people can go into a separate room to play some games.

I immediately got up and followed some other people up the stairs including Cassie and Brandon, Brandon always has my back when something goes wrong so I knew exactly why he's here, we got into the room and started playing truth or dare it is now Brandon's turn to chose and he looked directly at me.


"Billie truth or dare"

"uuuuh dare" I say hesitantly

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