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"It's so nice to meet you Cassie," My mom said over dinner.

"It's so nice to meet you too"

"So are you guys a couple?" My brother asked.

"No we're gonna take things slow," Cassie said.

"Well that's a good thing"

"No more kids running around," I said.

"Billie!" My mom said.

"What? You thought it"


After dinner we went into the living room and Finneas was teaching Eloise how to play the piano it was cute so I snapped a picture.

"Mommy!" Eloise gasped running towards me on her little feet I swooped her up in my arms.

"Do you like the piano?"

"Yes," she nodded.

"Good" I said and tickled her little stomach.

"You look a little tired baby," I told her.

She slowly nodded her head while she rubbed her eyes.

"Cmon let's go brush our teeth and get ready for bed"


"You're such a good mom," Cassie told me as I was driving her home.

"I'm trying I really am"

"I didn't know you had a kid"

"Me neither but like I said it's a long story"



"I'm sorry"

"I've moved on"



"Do you actually like me or am I just one of the other girls you mess with"

"If I didn't like you I wouldn't have introduced you to my parents and especially my brother"

"Fair answer"

"I love that you know your worth and you have self respect, usually all people wanna do is get into my pants"

"I've always had a crush on you were always an asshole to me"

"I was an asshole"

"A real asshole," she hit me.

"Girl get out of my car," I pulled up in front of my house

"Bye," she grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me into a kiss.

"Thanks for the ride," she said before getting out of my car.

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